Question #236 Humble Pie
What is your most recent humbling experience?
*Bear in mind the difference between "humbling" and flat-out embarrassing.
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What is your most recent humbling experience?
*Bear in mind the difference between "humbling" and flat-out embarrassing.
asked by
Monday, February 25, 2008
I'm pretty sure it's when I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and had to have people give me daily sponge baths.
Oops, I answer that one wrong. Missed the "recent" part.
New answer: This weekend at the afterparty for Wondercon (the S.F. comics convention), where I found myself surrounded by real internet celebrities.
I've gotten 2 red light tickets in the last 4 months or so. I've only had my license for less than 2 years. I used to drive around like a crazy person, but I now realize I can get a ticket like everyone else. Such a bummer, and so not fun.
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