Question #237 A Magical Kingdom
What's the best animated Disney movie?
BONUS: What's the best live-action one (and does it top your answer to the above question)?
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What's the best animated Disney movie?
BONUS: What's the best live-action one (and does it top your answer to the above question)?
asked by
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
If you don't count any of the short cartoons then I like the Fox and the Hound even though it's sad and it can sort of be seen as a defense of segregation.
I liked Aladdin also. Does Song Of the South count as an animated or live action film?
I found a list so that I could answer the second part of the question. I wish I could say I liked Cool Runnings the most but that would be a lie. I'll say Midnight Madness, cause it's the only one of those I remember watching multiple times.
My favorite animated one is most definitely Aladdin... Its just like the disney kiddie movie formula perfected and i love it....
Live action: Pirates of The Caribbean the first one.... I know its not really a disney movie, but it was rad
Beauty and the Beast by far. Magical, lovely, and a great fairy tale. Also, I still know all the lyrics to "Be Our Guest."
Aladdin is pretty good too. Monster's Inc. still blows my mind whenever I watch it; and I watch like twice a month.
Pirates of the Carribbean is probably my favorite live action Disney film.
Animated: Sword in the Stone
Three way tie for live action:
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Return to Oz (those tall things with wheels on their hands/feet were dope)
Swiss Family Robinson
Animated: Beauty and the Beast
Live Action tie:
The Watcher in the Woods (so creepy Disney started Touchstone so it wouldn't be a Disney film)
Mary Poppins ( watch it again as an adult... she's so snobby; it's great)
Animated: THE LITTLE MERMAID had such a good soundtrack and Ariel was the first princess that actually had a personality.
Mixed: MARY POPPINS is pure joy.
Live Action: I'm infatuated with GLORY ROAD, the true story of the first all-black line up in NCAA history. But the real gem in the bunch is HEAVYWEIGHTS. What's better than Ben Stiller bringing the nazi-smack on a young Keenan Thompson and other little fatties.
The Lion King for animated. :]
I suppose I should have provided a "mixed" option. I think of The Song of the South as animated, though it's apparently classified as live-action (I suppose this is because I only really remember the animated parts*). I think of James and the Giant Peach as animated, though it's a mix of live-action and stop-motion.
On with it...
My choice for animated is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It's the first, it's the creepiest and it predates animated Disney movies as children's entertainment. The Little Mermaid and The Lion King get special mention, not coincidentally because they hearken the studio moving back towards inclusion of adults as an audience for such films.
When talking about live-action Disney, I was thinking of the older ones like Mary Poppins or Swiss Family Robinson, and probably would have chosen one of those two if it hadn't been brought to my attention that the studio's made plenty of movies since 1980. Taking this into consideration, my choice has become Popeye** with Tron as a close second. Special mention goes to Condorman, which I can barely remember but recall loving as a kid.
*Also, I only remember the non-racist parts.
**Which is saying a lot, considering that I'm kind of a Robin Williams-hater.
Live-action: Newsies
Animated: I can't decide. It's either Sleeping Beauty or the Little Mermaid. I really love the artwork for Sleeping Beauty, mainly the backgrounds and stuff. The Little Mermaid was just so good. My sister and I had the whole thing memorized, and we would pick characters and recite the whole movie, songs and all, haha.
TOTALLY Forgot about Oliver and Co... Animals singing to Billy Joel songs? I mean does it GET any better?!
wow i'm surprised at all the aladdin nods. that's one of my favs as well. so is the lion king and monsters inc. the little girl is so cute!
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