Question # 235 I Love You
How many people have told you that they love you?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
How many people have told you that they love you?
asked by
Friday, February 22, 2008
2 (parents) + 3 (grandparents) + 3 (siblings) + 3 (girlfriends) = 11 definite
Add ~10 for sentimental, playful or drunken friends and another ~5 for whatever cousins or aunts or step-parents may have let it slipped, and you get ~26.
I'm going to go with Jake's was of calculating...
2 (mom + dad)
1 (bro)
2 (g-mas)*
6 (assorted aunts + uncles)
~15 (friends)
~3 (mom's friends)
2 (neighbors)
1 (cousin)
= ~32 lovely people
*It should be noted that I don't recall either g-pa ever saying it to me...but g-pa s. has been known to say about me: "and she's nice too!"
Jake's way*
not was.
i am happy to say that the loves are beating the hates by a nose. that is as much as i am willing to share.
i always get emails from russian girls coming to the bay area that claim to love me. although, whenever i respond to their emails, i always get re-directed to a dating service. wtf? i thought this was love!
Our friendship group is a love dodecahedron, and so that plus family members (including extended family), and boyfriends, well... let's just say I don't want to one up people,and make them feel unloved. So, I'm gonna go with LOTS.
To be fair its very much equal to the number of people that I have said (and meant) love-yous to... minus a few exboyfriends whom I kept the L word far from.
aside from family and friends: 1 boyfriend.
that blogger acct. i posted under is ancient. that was amy simmer.
the standard family and friends, with a few boyfriends thrown in for good measure.
I think that over 100 people have told me that they loved me. I think that all of them meant it too, maybe some to more or less of a degree, I think that I am very well loved.
Besides all my friends and family 1 boyfriend. If my cat could talk I bet she would tell me, at least on my birthday or something. Strange men have also told me they loved me on public transportation a few times as well, but it doesn't seem as meaningful.
Just Moesha.
How many have said it, or how many have said it and meant it? People say it all the time to eachother, without actually meaning it. Besides family, I've had maybe 3-4 people say it and mean it (at least for a while).
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