Question #230 Valentines
In collaboration with Dave...
What are you doing for Valentines Day this year (today)?
Bonus: How do you feel about Valentines Day in general?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
In collaboration with Dave...
What are you doing for Valentines Day this year (today)?
Bonus: How do you feel about Valentines Day in general?
asked by
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I am getting off work early for once and Kana and I are eating at Dosa. We were supposed to eat at Rubicon but KK1 wanted to eat earlier so we would have time to... the warriors game from last night.
I, being someone who like an excuse to eat a fancy meal, enjoy Valentines day. Even if it was invented by Halmark* I (would)still like it. I mean it is just as reasonable as celebrating Jesus dying with bunny rabbits and candy or celebrating the enslavement of indigenous people to work in our casinos with a feast and family. Why not celebrate St. Valentine with a good dinner and Warriors basketball?
*Which it wasn't; it was invented by Chaucer, one of the few poets I respect. Look it up, I did.
I'm wearing pants with hearts on them, and thats pretty much my only plan.
Then I'm going to come home and write another paper for school, while Paul fends for himself for dinner before falling asleep on the couch watching Office repeats. Yes, I'm actually that romantic.
you can find me in the bar wearing a dingy santa hat... oh wait, that's christmas. although i generally want to bash anyone who holds joes' opinion, i must admit he's got it pretty right. any excuse to hang out with the people you care about should be good enough regardless of its origin. i think i'm going to have a bro-mantic valentines. any takers?
I will be cleaning the kitchen and making a pizza for my GF. The pizza will be in the shape of a heart.
I don't really care about valentines day, I mean any excuse for some loving is fine with me. I'm just glad at this point in my life that I don't need an excuse (so far).
I'm going to dinner at El Mansour in S.F. ( with my girlfriend, Ali. It's Morroccan or something, and there's belly-dancing involved (or so I'm told). Sounds like it'll be fun.
As for the bonus question, I'm gonna have to go ahead and plead the fifth.
Some co-workers of mine are behind the annual Club Neon V-Day underwear party, and I plan to be there for at least part of the night tonight:
I agree that any excuse to hang out with people you enjoy is great. The pressure people put on themselves for Valentine's Day is really the problem though. Lots of couples I know are taking it easy this year and saving their romantic night out for the weekend, which I think is a better move. There is no good reason to compete for reservations with the masses unless your lady simply demands it or feels "less important" cause she grew up thinking Valentine's Day has anything to do with real love - and if that's the case I feel for my brothas.
All kidding aside, I'll be eating out by myself (by design) and then heading to a bar around midnight to find a girl drinking alone that's waiting to do something she'll probably regret for the rest of her life.
going on a date with a gay man who is dating my best guy friend from college. oh, you think this sounds bad? a few years ago (on my only valentine's date ever, no less) some guy took me out to dinner and gave me a crack pipe. sweet!
@Dano I am confused, do you mean you are planning on taking her to see "Martin Lawrence Live: runteldat" or are you going to make her read a Dan Brown novel?
From your answer to the question it has to be one or the other but it is unclear which one you mean.
i asked my mom to be my valentine and she told me to get a life.
I'm going to eat mint its its until i get sick and then complain to tomo about how sick i feel and then talk about how i should have just quit while i was ahead over and over again. it will be very romantic.
I will be drinking alone in a bar pondering Dan Brown novels.
Phoebe! Come out with us!
I will be getting drunk tonight.
I just sent my boyfriend a singing gorilla telegram.
today as i am stuck at home and girlfriendless i am going to kick it with the parents and watch some lost....
In general i like valentines day, on the ones in the past when i had a gf i truly enjoyed the oppurtunity to do special things and all...
I am also not bitter that i am gfless , cuz valentines day can be a hassle and a ton of $$$
I came home and fell asleep and just woke up. I may watch some old timey movie before bed to commemorate the day. Maybe Casablanca or something with Cary Grant in it.
As far as the holiday goes, I have no soul and work for a gift company so I am desensitized to it. I've been researching Valentine's gift ideas since December and have probably read every romantic poem, quote and greeting card ever. I know most guys don't care and participate out of obligation, and I really dislike the way people see it as singles awareness day. People get bitter, and feel inadequate because they are not in a relationship, which is just ridiculous. I love romantic movies, and I have old fashioned expectations when it comes to romance, so Valentine's Day just seems kind of generic to me.
i hit up the goodwill outlet on MLK for the self. then it was on to do late shopping at daradenim and mixed bag. heated up last night's chicken parmesan hero with sausage sauce since we all had meetings last night and ate elsewhere. gift exchange. worked the kid through his homework before talking turkey with the woman and packing for our trip back to Ukiah.
Turns out I finished my paper early, and midway through our evening of watching the documentary The War, and eating takeout Indian food, the hubby gives me a pound with his fist and says "We are so Anti-Valentine's"
proudly. He too is THAT romantic.
I went to the giant pillow fight at Justin Herman Plaza and then brought the fight to the streets for about thirty minutes, nailing anyone still in possession of a pillow all the way down Market from the Ferry Building to Union Square. There is something insanely satisfying about sanctioned violence against total strangers.
Later, I went out drinking in solidarity with a friend who recently broke up with her boyfriend. Over the course of the evening I ran into no less than five guys that I have dated in the recent past. All of us still single...not really surprising. Some random dudes gave me candy hearts on which they had written: "Eff me", "Ur Supr Cute" and "Penis Envy". A frat boy threw his arm around my shoulder and demanded my phone number and then called me a bitch when I politely declined. And a lesbian told all of the cute guys in the bar that I'm not into dudes.
You'd think I'd be anti-Valentine's Day, but I'm totally not. It's truly entertaining.
I'm with Joe. You do something nice on Valentine's Day with your ladyfriend. It makes her feel special and its always nice to have a beautiful, maybe even romantic, dinner with your ladyfriend...
Same with mm, mf, mfm, mfmm, mmmm, ffmf,etc.
Trashing V-Day is for little kids... Fancy pants should be too old to think its better to talk shit about it and hang in a bar instead... Thats for losers. A man knows when its time to step up to the plate...and V-Day is one of those day.
heh. I missed this question because I was busy flying to Florida for the Daytona 500. Fuck valentines Day. :)
Even if I did write my undergrad thesis on Chaucer (whom I love very much. I'm glad that you all had nice times though!
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