Question #229 Potatoery!
Everybody knows that potatoes are delicious . What is your favorite potato preparation?
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Everybody knows that potatoes are delicious . What is your favorite potato preparation?
asked by
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Mister hates potatoes in EVERY where you can taste that they are indeed potatoes. Thus, I usually only have potatoes as chips at the pub (as in fries), or as hashbrowns... out of those two, the hashbrowns at Chuck's in Stockton are preferred.
Though I haven't had them in ages, I do recall thinking that my mom's twicebaked potatoes were the superior form of potato-cookery.
ps that first line should say "EVERY FORM where they..."
Sorry I'm overwrought with words right now, and off to class again.
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
The potato pancakes (w/ sour cream & applesauce) that I had at Walzwerk in S.F. a couple Fridays ago were absolutely wunderbar. I'm also really into them au gratin and as hash browns (smothered, covered & well-done please).
The big winner-- if done right-- is probably good ol' mashed (especially if the skin's still in there).
But when it comes down to it, I'll take them any way I can get them. I eat it raw like sushi, man. I even put them in a juicer and drank the juice once. For serious.
potatoes are god.
there is no better food. please,
put it in my mouth.
Gordon Biersch Garlic Fries.
Almost makes me forgive their mediocre beer.
I'm going with a big baked with all the fixins' or a nice creamy gratin.
A good red potato mash with garlic and buttermilk; also delicious.
Do sweet potatoes count? I'm not a big fry person but I've had some really good sweet potato fries down here.
The versatility of the potato never ceases to amaze.
Thick cut, deep fried and then covered in vinegar and salt. Second best is mashed with the skins still on and A-1 sauce on them.
uhm, i like gnocchi alot if that counts....
outside of that, garlic fries are great...
also thick cut fries that are seasoned externally by adding blue cheese, pesto or anything else that is delcious like that..
Tater tots!! I think I have some too. I am so excited.
Mashed is a close second.
Sweet potato fries.
I really like mashed potatoes especially with white pepper and white truffles because I am racist.
My favorite potato food is the potato salad my current GF kk1 makes. It is like mashed potatoes but with Japanese mayo* and vinegared Japanese cucumbers and other mysteries. You would have to try it to understand. When I die I would like my coffin to be packed with the stuff.
*This is some sort of mysterious substance that comes in a squeeze bottle. It can be used to turn almost any food good and take great foods to afore-unobtainable heights. Applying it to a mashed potato salad is like applying the 'roids to Barry Bonds. Litterally!
potato gratin! and good 'ol baked potates are delicious!
this week I have been cutting them into stamps for potato printmaking.
Potato Grtain... maybe some bacon bits.
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