Question #231 Your Day Here
If you could set a date that would be a holiday in your honor, what date would you choose?
*Bonus: How would people celebrate your day? Would there be any traditional activities?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
If you could set a date that would be a holiday in your honor, what date would you choose?
*Bonus: How would people celebrate your day? Would there be any traditional activities?
asked by
Friday, February 15, 2008
I am tempted to say "Feb 1st" since that is my birthday and is therefor the day most people in the world are used to my birth. However after some thought I have decided that it is too close to other people's birthdays and so has the chance of getting lost in the shuffle.
I think a better day would be Feb 29th. This would give people 4 years to prepare so that they can really party. A council would pick a different location every four years and people would come from around the world to celebrate my greatness. Also drink.
It would be like the world cup plus the olympics only without the sport (what you call sports).
Mine would probably be called something like McFarland LibeeryDay.
On that day, local breweries would be on hand at libraries nearby offering refreshing craft brew to the library patrons... Why else have separate entrances for children's sections of the libararies? It's clearly so there can be an ID check for the door of the grownup sections.
The libraries would be open for 24 hours during that day, with beer on hand for all of it. There would be medics on hand to help anyone who fell from library rail-ladders. And there would be discussion rooms where Beth (I mean, the whisper-challenged)could be free to talk about books over their brews.
Oh, and UNLIKE Presidents Day... State Colleges and Universities would have the day off.
although my day, 7/28 (peruvian independence day) is pretty sweet already, i'd have to go with the date 3/27. why? 27/3=3x3. i am a total nerd.
I'd go with the day I fell off the bridge. I think it's May 2nd, but I can't remember for sure (y'know, head trama and all that).
Traditional festivities would involve dropping pumpkins off bridges. Festive garb would include leg braces and eye patches.
My birthday, May 13th. Sometimes mothers day lands on that day, so mother's day can just be canceled that year whenever it happens.
On my day, everyone has to wear a new pair of shoes and nobody is allowed to go out wearing sweats or flip flops. Evening festivities would consist of drinking wine and playing video games.
I forgot to choose my date... Well actually my capcha(or however it is spelled)-disability beat me again, leaving me to believe that I surely posted, but that is old hat.
My date originally was Oct 20th, my birthday, because it is a fine day, and a day with cold weather so no one would be sad about being in doors all day...
But I don't mind sharing my day with feverishpoptart because I'd like people to abstain from sweatpants on my day, as well. Good call!
My day would entail fantastic dance exhibitions in the parks, squares and open-air theatres through out the country. People would often dress in their favorite costume and maybe even parade around town (while drunk, of course.) The day would typically end at a beach bonfire (or in another equally beautifully outdoor setting) complete with fire. dancers and lots of music and sing-a-longs.
I suppose it'd be a sort of a Halloween-Love-Parade-Dance-off-Solstice hybrid with many, many beer gardens.
I think I'd like it to happen in late summer/early autumn because it is always so beautiful in San Francisco that time of the year. Maybe the first full weekend in September...that way people will always have a couple of days to really have some fun.
August 14th, because it's warm in CA and muggy as hell in NYC.
The day's festivities would include unhinging every fire hydrant around and doing a sort of fun-summer-interpretive-dance, drinking massive amounts of your fave beverage (preferably Sangria, as it is summer time) and having a rooftop Twister party, the end.
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