Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Question #164 National Anthem

I think our national anthem has to change. It's boring, hard to sing, doesn't convey any information about us, is too warlike, etc. We've got to change it immediately.

What should be our new national anthem?


Anonymous said...

I will have to give some more thought on this one, though obviously 'America-Fuck-Yeah' comes to mind as a possibility.
Honestly though, our anthem isn't THAT bad... I watch Formula 1 racing and have to hear a bunch of different anthems a lot. Some of them are seemingly 20 minutes of polka. Its bad. Just be glad you aren't French or Spanish; their anthems suck.

philip said...

This one is hard to answer. I asked it cause I couldn't come up with an answer myself.

If the Scorpions weren't German, I'd endorse "Rock You Like a Hurricane" wholeheartedly, but an abbreviated version so as not to hold up the beginning of sporting events.

I think "Spirit in the Sky" is a good song but I support the separation of church and state so I can't go with it. I like "all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight" but "this land is your land" would probably be more suitable.

Jake said...

"In America" by Charlie Daniels. It's merits are multitudinous, including:

- It talks shit about Russians.

- Of the handful of U.S. locations it cites, San Francisco is one.

- It expresses faith in cooperation between "the cowboys and the hippies and the Rebels and the Yanks".

- It includes some awesome fiddle-playing.

- It features the lines:

You just go and lay your head on a Pittsburgh Steeler fan
And I think you're gonna finally understand

TLR said...

I am fond of Lee Greenwood's 'proud to be an American'.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

viktor said...

i believe hanson's "mmm-bop" would be an ideal candidate for the new national anthem. it has just the right amount of lyrics that it is easy to memorize without being too sparsely sung to be overbearing. truly an anthemic song that describes america as i know it.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

I imagine a future in which we all sing 'America the Beautiful' just like Ray Charles.

Anonymous said...

"Country Boy Can Survive" Hank Williams Jr.

Phoebe said...

Oh, say, can you see, those titties in the light
What so erectly they stayed at the nipple's last tweaking?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the t-shirt so tight,
O'er the flesh mounds we watch'd, nipples gallantly beaming?
My cock n balls' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that it was in fact in her hair.
O say, does that star-spangled penis yet wave
O'er the land of the boobs and the home of my cock.

Nate Geniella said...

we should use the top gun theme...not "highway to the danger zone" but the actual theme, like what would play at he beginning of the NES game...

There are no nobody would have to make everybody wait an extra three minutes to watch a baseball game...

Anonymous said...

That's more like it, Phoebe. No need to be a prig.

Anonymous said...

rock lobster.

just because.

Unknown said...

The theme to "Monday Night Football", only it's, "U.S.A. Kicking Ass!". And, instead of the lyrics being changed each week for the different teams, they would be changed to suit whatever threat/terror we are being terrified of at that moment.

feverishpoptart said...

Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. Everyone knows the words and loves to sing it when they're drunk. Well, at least my friends do.