Question #165 Movies
What was your favorite movie as a kid? Why?
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What was your favorite movie as a kid? Why?
asked by
Thursday, November 08, 2007
As a young kid I swear I saw The Never Ending Story about a million times, and Mannequin about half a million. Perhaps I have always loved fairytales and fantasy (Oh, LOVED Princess Bride, also!)because you get to escape from the normalcy of everyday life.
When I was an older kid, my favorite movie was Wayne's World, because my friend and I had already been geeking-out on the wayne and garth sketches on SNL for a year or so prior to the film's release(her parents let us stay up late)... and we would reinact the sketches and make up new sketches for the characters and film them on her giant video recorder. Coolest 6th graders ever?!Scha-wing.
I've always cited Raiders of the Lost Ark as the best movie ever made (if there had to be a solitary "best").
The reason is simple: it probably is the best movie ever made.
Back to the Future b/c I loved Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox) and time travel. I also loved Weird Science, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller - pretty much any John Hughes movie b/c I loved Chicago suburbs.
Ummm thats a hard one.. probably I'd have to say disneys aladdin. I think it was because I had long hair like jasime so I liked it.. lol
It's still my favorite movie: Star Trek II.
This is a good question. It makes me realize how much movies impacted me when younger. I am going to go with "Explorers" about the kids who make an invisible bubble to fly in, who feed the dog bubble gum, and who meet the alien who only knows pop culture.
I watched the movie not too long ago, and it makes me realize how masterful the genre of kids movies is/can be. I mean, it was good, but something about the way it was made hit my kid brain in a certain way that triggered everything. Also I think the spaceship's name is "Thunder Road". Which rules.
I most definitely agree with the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I think it forever made me want to be an archaeologist with a gun.
Also, I really liked the Dark Crystal and The Goonies.
Oh shit, I just remembered there was one I couldn't get enough of. It was called Cloak and Dagger.
It was about a kid who's favorite video game started turned into his real life and a had to escape a hoard of "bad guys" with the help of this father's ghost.
One more I liked as a kid a lot: Space camp.
I think the reason behind movies like that and the ones I listed above is simple. As a kid you like to explore things, get into mischief, etc. These movies show kids getting into exciting "adult" situations (no, not like that perv) and give your childhood brain something to get excited about besides Dreamsicles and Slip-N-Slides.
The Jerk.
Alsorans: ...And Justice For All, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Urban Cowboy and The Car.
Hands down, Neverending Story.
1) I've known that Bastian is my soulmate since before I even knew what a soulmate was. That's love. Or destiny. Or something dreamy like that.
2) It's the only movie that makes me cry every time I watch it (age 5 to age 24, every time Atreyu yells to his sinking horse and the mud bubbles up around him... fuck... I can't take it).
3) Still hoping for a luck dragon of my own. Or a racing snail. I'd be happy with either.
from age 5-8 i would watch girls just want to have fun twice a day everyday. i would watch it, rewind it, and watch it again. also it wasn't even a real vhs copy, it was tv version taped off tv with commercials.
I watched the Sound of Music almost everyday after school. I was THAT kid.
Dang. I forgot about the racing snail; any idea on what the princesses name is (in the "Say my name!" part of the film)???
And DaveyCakes.. You got a problem with SlipNSlides?! Its on.
As a tiny tot...Dumbo, Secret of NIMH and Rainbow Brite (the movie) because they all seemed to fit in with the rest of my imaginary games.
As a medium sized kid... The Princess Bride because it made me feel safe and just feels like home. (ps..It's still the movie I watch when I'm sick and need to feel like my mommy is there)
As a bigger kid..The Sandlot, which I will forever quote and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, who definitely made an impact on my skipping school.
And like Marky...all of these were taped from TV..gotta love commercials and static!
I didn't have TV (like cable and channels) but we did have a TV with a VCR, but the only VHS tapes we had were Disney animated movies and Willow.
I still know the lyrics to every Disney movie song; expect The Little Mermaid, that b--ch stole my name and I refused to watch the movie as a child.
Beauty and the Beast was my favorite, but I had to fast-forward all the scary parts and sad parts. Which means that the movie only took me 30-40 minutes to watch.
And thanks to Bambi, I still have to fast-forward the sad parts of most movies and I refuse to watch any movies starring animals.
Most people HATE watching movies with me.
Flash Gordon
because of the music by Queen
"time bandits." they were little, i was little. i watched the heck out of that movie. a little later in youngsterdom, "gotcha," with the dude from revenge of the nerds and "better off dead." i think both of those movies made it so i crumble at girls with accents.
My favorite movie was probably Trading Places just by virtue of me seeing it the most times. I also saw better off dead, the blues brothers and the princess bride many times, but Trading Places had a special place in my heart.
It had swearing, nudity and Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd at their absolute peaks. My favorite part is when a drunk Winthrop (Dan Ackroyd) is trying to eat a stolen smoked salmon on the bus while wearing a Santa Claus costume and he has to pick the beard out of the fish. One of the saddest scenes ever put on VHS.
I had tons of favorites, most of them are already mentioned here (but I want to reiterate how effing awesome Cloak and Dagger was!)
My first favorite was "Annie," the musical. What she lacked in parents she made up for in sass and street smarts. She was my hero.
Alice didn't seem that cool at first because she was all prim, proper and came from a fancy and sheltered childhood--but I got the impression that once she returned from Wonderland she was a little wiser, more of a woman and had this big cool secret to carry around for the rest of her life.
teenage mutant ninja turtles! The first movie. And not the cartoons. fuck the cartoons. Why is this my favorite? because i rented it every week for 2 years ( i dont know why my parents didnt buy it)and would talk down manhole covers and try sliding pizza through the holes.
i loved and still love GREASE....."is the word"
I can't believe that no one's mentioned RAD, my favorite movie of all time! It was about a BMX bike racing tour called Hell Track, and Cru Jones, the small town paperboy who made it to the big time. Plus it had the awesome BMX-bike-racing twins, Rod and Rex (my nicknames for Matt and JB, btw).
The Secret of Nimh. I would watch it like every day. It sort of got me on the animal rights path I suppose, with the whole rat testing thing. I can still vividly see the animation of the rats getting injected in their bellies with a needle full of chemicals. It was really upsetting for me. I even had pet mice as a kid because of it. Another animated movie I loved was Gay Purr-ee. It was about a cute white cat who lived on a farm and dreamed of better things, so she runs away to Paris and gets into all sorts of trouble. Judy Garland does the voice of Mewsette, and it was written by Chuck Jones. The music and animation was something I appreciated even though I was really little. I remember wanting to go to Paris when I was like 7, because it looked so wonderful in the cartoon.
When I got a little older and hit 4th or 5th grade I became super obsessed with the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. It probably wasn't very healthy.
Also, since they've been mentioned, Annie and the Sound of Music. I loved musicals (still do), and I just have so many memories of my sister and I running around the living room singing along.
As a kid, I saw almost every movie mentioned EXCEPT The Sound of music. I've never seen it. I loved a lot of movies, and a lot of the ones mentioned, but four main ones (besides Willow, which falls in there somewhere) come to mind.
First, The Goonies. As typical as that is, it's true. We watched this too many times to count. Second place goes to The Monster Squad (I just bought this on dvd, and watched it recently! Awesome.), third is Labyrinth, and fourth is The Last Unicorn.
I think The Last Unicorn comes in fourth just because I never owned the movie until I was around 19, so I couldn't watch it as much as the others and because of this one horribly boring singing part that I still fast forward through. Jeff Bridges shouldn't sing.
So that pretty much sums up almost everything that I liked: pirate ships, monsters, unicorns, creatures, and magic.
Strawberry Shortcake, because the purple pie man from porcupine peak is the coolest and creepiest evil cartoon guy out there. Parent Trap, because I always wanted to switch identities with my sister and fuck with my parents' heads.
top gun..because my dad was a fighter pilot, and i probably have a daddy complex or something.
I loved The Dark Crystal.. I was into all that mystical shit as a little girl. I loved Fizgig. My dad had met his future bride when I was twelve. Shes had the same hair style since I've met her.. Me and my sisters would make fun of her all the time because she looked and sounded just like Fizgig.. Still to this day all three of us call her that....
OOOOOOOOO... I LOVED Monster Squad.. I would watch that movie over and over. I bought it on some web site a couple yrs ago..
Holy shit. How could I forget The Goonies.. That ones prolly my # 1 fav. Or atleast close to it.
I forgot Newsies! Christian Bale in a musical. How could a young girl resist?
Pure Luck with Martin Short and Danny Glover. Also, Drop Dead Fred.
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