Question #163 The Internet
How internet-y are you?
Talk about the role that online social networks, blogs, wikipedia, podcasts, email, instant message, etc. play in your life, and how you feel about that.
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
How internet-y are you?
Talk about the role that online social networks, blogs, wikipedia, podcasts, email, instant message, etc. play in your life, and how you feel about that.
asked by
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I work for a start-up, so the internet is kinda my job. Considering Very Serious a hobby, that's a lot of internet in my life. This is why I've opted out of all social networking sites and lost most of my interest in IM. I feel pretty good about that!
I'm a developer for a web design agency so I pretty much spend everyday on the internet.
While there are reasons I'd love to NOT be tied to any crappy social networking site like myspace, it still has it's purpose and the original intent was worthy and still valid.
Most importantly, I think the internet has changed the way we learn about things. Hear about a new band? No longer do you try to see if the record store has it next time you are there. Within seconds you've already listened to a couple mp3s on their Myspace/Virb/Purevolume page. I also never watch much news on television anymore. If I want to see video of something it's usually available online now.
I think the internet gives us so much personal control, that for us to be without it now would drive a lot of us crazy. Oh, and I think I've developed a strong case of A.D.D. thanks thanks to my T1 connection.
I forgot to mention how much I love email. It has the old time-y charm of those men on the street with the accordian and the panhandling monkey.
i second getting extreme ADD because of it. It lets you take procrastination to a whole new level, which is awful for me because i've always struggled with that. My first step was not letting myself sign onto gchat at work, and i dont refresh my livejournal friends list every 27 seconds anymore. In college i'd actually have my dormroom roomate unplug our internet connection if i had an essay due the next day.
I’m pretty fucking internet-y.
I have the following:
•Myspace account
•Facebook account
•A myspace blog
•A blog that I contribute to weekly (this one)
•5 E-mail addresses that I check many times daily
•A job where I sell connectivity to the internet
I don’t really feel one way or the other about it… I mean, I have had conversations about how stupid myspace is and how it is like signing some ones yearbook in high school (completely meaningless). At the same time I have re-connected or stayed in touch with a few people that I would have never contacted if it wasn’t for the ease of the internet. I’ll be honest, being connected has gotten me dates and more importantly; laid. I can’t really complain about a medium that helps me secure tail.
Can I?
i blog. it helps me to keep writing. it also keeps me in touch with recent and old friends.
i actually get bummed on friends that don't check the blog. i mean if they wrote, i'd read....right? right.
im is fine for a few friends. podcasts are fun.
i am very internet-y i guess. i feel ok about it.
I'm about as internety as the next guy and live in the future to some extent.
I do stuff like look up a restaurant on google maps and have the address texted to my phone, haven't bought a CD in five years, started, plan to watch streamed Knicks games through a complicated scheme my friend is setting up, use wikipedia, etc.
I'm glad all of that stuff exists, but like everyone else I'm a bit wary of it and sometimes want to go live in the forest. But that would get old pretty quickly.
I remember when I wanted to know about something when I was younger and I'd have to go to the library to figure it out. I remember driving an hour just to get to a decent record store. Getting my hands on pornography of any kind was an ordeal.
I feel alright about it, I think if I lived 100 years ago I'd feel the same about how telegraphy I was.
i am very internet-y and am completely comfortable with it all.
mainly because i can have whatever i want, when i want it.
and then i can turn it all off and deal with it again when i choose.
thank you, al gore.
I would saw i am pretty internet-y....i use everything...i look up everything from movie times to restaurants to travel information to school information...
for the most part i think access to information and the ability to communicate with people instantaneously is a very good school has a system set up where i can use my library account here to access like every science journal database online...leads to tremendous information being at your fingertips.
One problem i have the ability to procrastinate and how it can really hamper my productivity at times...but i kinda feel...that if i am in a procrastinating mood... i would do it regardless of whether the internet existed...
i am v.internet-y. however, social networking sites and IM i find to be the most efficient form of procrastination available. i do IM to say a 'sup to a friend, or perhaps to say "hello" to a girl, but i try not to use IM as a form of communication. i do, however, fully support the use of email.
my job is pretty much dependent on the internet. it's hard for me to think of a time when scientists wrote letters back and forth to one another for collaborations. where all of the worlds journals dating back to 1861 were not available online. where quantum mechanical calculations were done on an abacus. that would make life real difficult. you'd have to be smart or something to be a real scientist back then.
as it stands, technology has allowed dipshits like me to slip through the cracks. yeah internets!
It's been a while.
I have/engage in the following...
A general, public blog.
A "hidden" blog.
A forgotten/neglected blog.
A Myspace account.
A (neglected) Facebook account.
A Photobucket account.
And a variety of memberships/email addresses at a lot of sites I've probably forgotten.
Wikipedia has helped me pass 2 Pre-Colombian AH online exams.
Oh yeah, and I avidly ebay.
My life would be completely different if it wasn't for the internet. I have met many of my closest friends and many acquaintances online over the past few years. I do web work for an internet retailer, as well as make websites for friends and get paid to help other friends with their website duties. I am connected to aim 24/7 via my sk, which also receives rss feeds of my favorite blogs and news sites. I used to play video games online, and still play a tiny bit via my ds with my sister. I'm on the myspace, facebook, blah blah and have a blog as well. I have had a few websites over the years as well. If I could install wi-fi in my brain and lose 10 pounds I think I can achieve perfection. I am totally ok with it though. The people and experiences it has brought into my life have made it well worth it.
I don't do a whole lot on the internet, really. Somehow, it seems I'm on it too much, though. I get on a tangent about a subject or -more often- a product, then I find out everything I can about it, and then eventually lose interest.
I hate the phone, and mostly refuse to talk on it, so I keep in touch with people via the internet. I don't blog. I have a myspace, but don't search for anyone or meet people or anything. I only use it as a super easy method of keeping in touch with people I already know.
Sadly, almost all of my friends I met because of the internet, in one way or another. Weird.
I am massively and completely Internet-y. My job, in fact, is to make Internets. If I'm not working on the Internets, I spend most of my time goofing off with:
online games
reading a few different blogs I follow
web browsing
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