Question #143 Santa Claus
When did you first learn that jolly old Saint Nick doesn't exist?
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When did you first learn that jolly old Saint Nick doesn't exist?
asked by
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I have an older brother who loved to spoil the fun so I never got a chance to believe in Santa or the toothfairy. He would tell me every chance he got that they were fake. He would always mention that it is strange Santa's handwritting is the same as Mom's and he would tell me that he that he ate the cookies after I went to sleep. He did try to make me believe that I was adopted. That wasn't really fun for me but it was fun for him.
Yeah...I didn't have an older brother...but there are always neighborhood kids that want to tell the little tykes about santa and condoms and other disappointing aspects of life.
Yeah, condoms are pretty disappointing.
I actually don't think there was ever a specific point at which I learned about no-Santa. An unspoken understanding just developed over time in our household. There were a few years, in fact, that I wished my mom would just tell me and get it over with, because not knowing was driving me crazy.
I had a strong suspicion around the time I was in the 3rd grade, so I pretended to go to bed that Christmas Eve, then spied on my dad carrying the gifts from where I had also suspected they were hidden (in the garage.) I didn't say anything the next day, but that was the last year either of us kept up the charade.
I claim aloofness... and it gets me a big 'Santa Gift' every year. No complaints.
This is kind of a bummer. My cousins all had gifts from Santa and I didn't. I was upset of course, wondering where I had gone wrong, so my dad being the cheap guy he was broke the news to me instead of buying me another present.
We were living in Germany at the time, when we first moved there (maybe about age 6 or 7). There, one gets Christmas gifts on December 5 (St. Nicholas day) but the gifts stay wrapped until December 25. So for 20 days, the gifts just sit there under the tree! You stare at them for what seems like an eternity, wondering what could be inside. Absolute torture for a kid that age. That's when I knew Santa was one sick mutha f%%%er. Turned my back on Santa then, never looked back.
i think i was in 2nd grade and it was by process of elimination. i had just lost my tooth and made some comment to my father about the tooth fairy coming that night. in return, he made some wise ass remark and i realized there was no such thing. the conversation went something like:
me- "so, there's no tooth fairy?"
him- "sorry, no."
me- "easter bunny."
him- "no."
me- (clearly shaken) "santa CLAUS??"
him- "no, amy. i'm sorry."
me- "you LIED."
when i was in 4th grade i told my friend lori (who was my age, but in 3rd grade at the time) that there was no such thing as santa and her mother always hated me for it. i just felt it time she knew.
I don't think I remember. I'm almost certain my older sister told me. I know she told me about the tooth fairy. She loved ruining stuff like that.
I was 5. I was watching National Geographic and the narrarator made some sly comment about reindeer. I asked, or more made the statement to my mother, 'Reindeer don't really exist do they?"
And that was that.
That next Christmas I was 6 and my brother was 2. He stood at the front door looking into the sky for Rudolph's nose and Santa's sleigh. I cried and cried because I knew that I had lost something.
I was emo as hell when I was 6.
My mom always told me that Santa and Christmas were magical, and that if I didn't believe in Santa, he'd know, and quit coming. I believed in Santa Claus FOREVER. Even when my friends made fun of me. I didn't care.
Besides, my parents would go all out with that shit. She'd wake us up in the middle of the night to hear Santa footsteps on the roof, or to hear sleighbells outside, while my poor dad or my older brother were outside in the cold making the noises.
One time, we were at my grammy's house. She had a lot of land and lost of big picture windows. My mom woke us up at 2am, and made us be very quiet, and we crawled across the floor to peek out the window. Far off in the distance, in the black night, we could see something small and round and red glowing. RUDOLPH'S NOSE!
My dad was out there with a flashlight and a red cloth, haha.
Or when the Easter Bunny was leaving the yard, we'd hear these big heavy hops outside that just happened to be near the window or door we were at.
We would NEVER try to catch Santa or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy, because she told us that they would know when we were awake, and just disappear. Plus they'd be unhappy that we tried to catch them, and they might not want to come back.
My mom and dad would buy and hide different wrapping paper then the paper she used for our family gifts, and that was paper that Santa's gifts came wrapped in. She'd write stuff in her opposite hand, so it wouldn't be her writing. On Xmas Eve, the story was that Santa was in a hurry, and it was up to moms and dads to help him set stuff out and get it wrapped and stuff.
Finally, I got something from the Easter Bunny, and they had forgotten to remove a tag.
"The Easter Bunny gets stuff at Woolworths?"
She tried really hard not to laugh, and blundered an explanation, but I had already known.
Eventually, when I was like 10, she sat us down and told us the truth, which we didn't want to hear, but she felt bad that kids were making fun of us, haha. She cried, we cried. It sucked. I didn't want to stop believing in the magic. I still don't.
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