Question #142 Ghosts
As a rational, educated and otherwise levelheaded adult, do you believe in ghosts?
*Bonus: What about psychics?
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As a rational, educated and otherwise levelheaded adult, do you believe in ghosts?
*Bonus: What about psychics?
asked by
Monday, October 08, 2007
Of course not and no psychics either, they're the biggest scam since sliced bread.
No on the ghosts... and hmm. I never did physics in highschool or college but everyone said that it had something to do with rollercoasters. And I fully believe in rollercoasters.
Not really, though I like ghost stories.
I've got an interesting theory for the phenomenon known as "ghosts" that involves being living people from the future or past becoming visible because of rifts or folds in time.
Psychics: Only from a strictly scientific point of view. I don't go for tarot, palm reading, rings hanging from a thread over your belly, astrology, etc. That stuff's just a bunch of fiddle-faddle and humbuggery. Pish posh.
I believe in everything!
Psychics are one of the biggest shams of human history. I hate it! They are creepy, smelly, and a complete waste of space.
Astrology, on the other hand, is hilarious!!! Every month I get 50 page description about what’s going to happen to me based on the day I was born. Today, incidentally, I am supposed to fall madly in love! So I am going to go home after work, slouch down on my couch with a bowl of cereal resting on my stomach and wait for True Love to come knocking and tell me to turn down my television.
I totally believe in ghosts and have been having some weird things happen in the crime lab lately. I think that if ever there was a haunted place, that might be it. I can't go into too much detail but I have been totally creeped out there. And I believe in psychics too. I just hate the cold readers.
hahah I'm apparently completely illiterate before caffeine... sorry about the physics/psychics mix up. I don't believe in psychics or their generic signs with the big creepy hand on it. Who wants to go into a place with a big creepy hand. I just choose disbelief.
As a rational, educated, and [moderately] levelheaded adult, I don't believe in ghosts. But as a paranoid and occasionally sleep-deprived 20something, I do. When I close the bookstore, every time I'm counting out the register I can hear someone typing at the computer behind the shelves. I don't think the store is haunted, per se, but maybe a past employee just really misses their job sometimes? Or maybe it's the air conditioning clicking and not the sound of typing at all.
Need you to be more specific about psychics... there are all sorts of interesting methods of predicting the future. For example:
Dice (cleromancy)
Dots on paper (geomancy)
Entrails of sacrificed animals (haruspicy)
Animal livers (hepatoscopy)
Shoulder blades of animals (scapulimancy)
If they don't use part of dead animal, I don't believe it.
I know this is long...but I have a good one. Clearly you fools (Phil y Jake) have not seen one on your own.
I for one have and I am a believer now.
It was last summer I was alone in my parent's house, in my childhood bed, which belonged to my great aunt Caroline at one time.
I had recently painted my parent's living room, which involved moving the bookcase where my dad keeps various things of spiritual value. No crosses, just old things of great significance, some of them being rocks. There is also a lot of dust, some paper clips and rubber bands, which don't fall into the spiritual part.
Growing up, there was a sort of unspoken rule about not moving things on the bookshelf. With my parents out of the state, for the first time in 30 years I moved the bookcase to a new location in order to paint. I left the things in boxes overnight because I didn't have time to put them all back on the shelves.
That night I saw my dead dog Lily at the side of my bed. Additionally I saw the bottom half of a young lady sitting in my bed. She had clothes on, shorts actually, nice legs too. She was casually sitting against the headboard, as if she belonged there. I decided not look up at the face for fear of what I might see, you know, eyeballs hanging out etc. I am pretty sure the legs were Caroline coming to say waz up.
They (Lily and Caroline) were both friendly and I wasn't scared. Hasn't happened since. All items are back on the shelves just as they were.
I told my dad what happened and he was like...told you so.
I believe in ghosts and I believe that some people are phychic, but they probably don't peddle themselves on TV.
i misread this as physics and i'm sticking with my answer. i believe in physics!!
Ghosts, yes. My best friend when I was 11 lived in an old nursing home in England. Too many weird things went on...
Psychics, no.
Do not believe in either...
Though i do get creeped out sometimes...say if i am walking through the forest that is UCSC late at night by myself...gets too feel a little weird...
While I am not sure how much is projected by 'the living', there is certainly something that we have yet to comprehend fully regarding those that have 'passed'.
As far as psychics, that's a tough one. Most common clairvoyants seem to be full of shit. I don't discount tools such as tarot, however. These, as one example, are simply paintings on cards. When used properly, they can provide a world of insight into the current psychological motivations and influences of the querent.
I believe in ghosts. I think most psychics are a sham, but that doesn't mean that some people are not extremely intuitive.
I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky.
nope, i don't believe in either. emphatically don't believe in either.
last year, i went to a psychic on the lower east side with a couple friends for laughs. it was a really expensive laugh.
I have had friends that have told convincing and alluring ghost stories that they claim to have experienced. I hung on every word and was terrified to the point that said (by countless people yet not here) hairs literally stood straight up and goosebumps were activated.
I have watched these same friends eat an entire sheet of acid in one night.
no, people who do are stupid and should be shot... afterwards, we should pull all their goldteeth, collect their hair, shoes and glasses, and bury them in a communal ditch... and if they have tattoos, we should pull the skin off and make lampshades out of it!...on 2nd thought, that sounds ridiculous and would never happen!!
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