Question #144 Best City
What's your favorite city?
BONUS: What's your favorite travel/vacation spot (if different from above)?
[thanks to NateG for question suggestion]
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What's your favorite city?
BONUS: What's your favorite travel/vacation spot (if different from above)?
[thanks to NateG for question suggestion]
asked by
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I used to love San Francisco so much. Then the mama's boys moved in with their dotcoms and now the cost of living is so high that every one acts so uptight and joyless.
So...San Francisco.
For travel I like my dad's place in Juchipila, Zacatecas.
San Franciscoooooooo
San Francisco, hands down. London is the only place that really felt like home from day one. My mom is a native San Franciscan, so perhaps its in my blood, but this city has everything going for it.
Other places I have lived that are not up to scratch include: Stockton (regardless of my innate love and optimism for it), Tahoe (one trick pony, great for snow and nothing else), Davis (awesome for its Big Kid's Playground), Munich(beer and efficiency) Paris (not texas, the one with the god-awful parisians), and Hellay (no redeeming values whatsoever)...
I like visiting Venice and most villages in Ireland, because I like places where the people are laid back and the drink is good and cheap)
Well, I have been living in Portland, OR., the past couple years and it is probably the best placed I have ever lived—logically. However, I can't get SF out of my head. I am moving back in May, so that's good. I haven't travelled much but I am excited to be going to Israel this winter.
duh, San Francisco.
Travel destination: anywhere tomo lives.
duh, San Francisco.
Travel destination: anywhere tomo lives.
Not to sound like a Scary Sadshaw, but I am madly in love with New York City and would only consider leaving it for Rome. Temporarily.
I don't do a lot of vacationing, but since NateG is fishing for ideas, I would urge him to visit Iceland in the summer, for its general radness. I hear Fiji (makers of Artesian water) is also supes-breathtaking.
I hate to jump off of the San Francisco wagon, but I love Providence, RI. Little bit ghetto, little bit of a bad attitude, terrible drivers - but once you get past all that it's a guaranteed good time.
Vacationing at Big Sur... awesome.
Funny, I was thinking about how if the question were about worst city, I might say Providence.
But the question is about the best city, so I have to say San Francisco.
For a visit or vacation, my currents tastes are towards something in Switzerland (perhaps Zurich) or Australia (Melbourne). Then again, I do love NYC...
For me its been San Francisco so far....but i have very limited outside of northern California experience...i mean i went to paris and it was cool, but i got the impression that paris' greatness would not stand the test of time...
My favorite travel spot was samoa and the island would be whatever one (forget the name) apia is on...
I have my eyes set on going to Australia and NZ this coming Jan...but have not settled on anything yet...
thanks for answering everybody!
san francisco.
but my favorite place that i've ever lived is Tahiti. Kauai was pretty sweet too.
Oakland. an easy one. I've been living here for 14 or so years. SF is so close and you don't even have to smell it. sorry SF lovers. too crowded and expensive. Chiba? Outfits?
For vacation I'm gonna go with Joshua tree / Twenty nine palms, CA... Just not when it's hot please.
San Francisco is the best city in the world.
Favorite vacation spots include Hawaii, Greece (islands mostly) and Spain.
Budapest has the highest concentration of large breasted women. Good chow, too.
LA. People talk a lot of shit, but it's my home and I love it. I think the good outweighs the bad.
I love London as well.
I think my favorite city is SF. The best place for vacation is Bs As Argentina during our winter or Mexico any other time.
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