Question #119 Meal
What meal best represents your character?
This question was suggested by Lauren (fruit snacks, a cheese sandwich and fruit punch).
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What meal best represents your character?
This question was suggested by Lauren (fruit snacks, a cheese sandwich and fruit punch).
asked by
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Hard-tack and "cowboy" coffee.
Fresh baked bread, cheese, and cheap red wine.
Shack burger, cheese fries and a strawberry milkshake
san francisco burrito (gordos or la taqueria or any where within a few blocks of 17th and guerrero) with black beans, cheese, carnitas, avacado, hot sauce, tomato and a pacifico with lime
Depends..various hors d’oeuvres + some random rosé (picked out on a whim, of course)... or ... veggie tacos w/pico + fruit tea + brownie(a la Mission Burrito, Houston)
Pasta with red sauce, steak and salty salad.
I can best be described as peanut butter on toast washed down with a glass of champagne.
The Amboy (peanut butter and banana sandwich with cinnamon and honey) and a large coffee, please.
my very own black bean chili pibil with a hunk of corn bread on the side. sheaf stout, if you will.
thanks for asking my serious question
A dainty salad with carrot slivers, followed by an entire deep-fried turkey.
Homemade mac and cheese with some sort of weird cheese that some people like and some people hate. Fruit salad, white zin.
Comforting yet weird, fruity, and a little bit trashy.
Start with a scotch old fashioned. A filet mignon and lobster tail, washed down with a bottle of pinot noir. Followed by a bottle of cognac.
Pasta or Ramen, anything with nooooooodles.
Everyone is invited to my pasta eating contest September 22nd 7pm. You may join or just watch me try and eat 10lbs of pasta!
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