Question #120 Seasons...
What season do you look forward to the most durring the year? Why?
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What season do you look forward to the most durring the year? Why?
asked by
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Spring. Mainly because of boners.
Of course Spring because winter is NYC is brutal.
fall, definitely. i love scarf and sweater weather and the leaves changing. also, the city finally begins to stop smelling quite so bad.
Yeah, Fall.
Fall, because that's when it finally gets warm in San Francisco. Plus I love the angle of the light, makes everything look all warm and golden.
fall, it used to be fall anyway. it used to rain in fall. now you never can tell. rainy season. that's for me.
Winter, because it's summer in Texas from about March until November.
I used to say winter because i prefer to wear all black and like jackets. But now that I am out of SF and live in a place with actual seasons, I really like Summer. Warm is rad, I love wearing shorts, t shirts and ankle socks. Also, the light in the evenings and mornings in summer time is especially rad, which appeals to peteg the photographer.
Autumn, because a) it has the best name, b) it has my birthday in it and i'm a total child about that, and c) because I finally get to stop worrying about my pasty, untannable legs. I think fall is overwhelmingly rad.
SUMMER! because everyone is in a good mood and we can party everyday! There's more dancing during summer too....and you don't have to carry around hoodies and jackets.
I live in San Diego. There are no seasons.
fall. the clothes in fall are the best. the best accessory is a coat to go with any of the following: beanie, scarf and/or a cute handbag. i love layering.
I love the summer for all the obvious reasons, but Fall is always special. Thank you, Fall.
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