Question #118 - High School Movie
What's the best high school movie?
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What's the best high school movie?
asked by
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
"heathers," but there are SO many close seconds.
oops... that was me.
also, the first one that actually came to mind was "bring it on," and while that isn't #1 for me, it's way up there.
Sixteen Candles, Jake Ryan is probably one of the most timeless high school hunks of our time. How in the hell did Andrew McCarthy become a leading man in the 80's? Anyone?
Cooley High, but Mean Girls was also really good.
I thought Andrew McCarthy was SO hot, Tomo. I would still marry "Blaine," even if he was a big pussy for 1/2 of Pretty in Pink.
I love John Hughes' entire body of work, but Clueless is my favorite high school movie, hands down.
Either The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or The Hot Chick.
"Thirteen" for it's realism and for tackling intense and complicated issues. This movie is totally fucked and I hope I don't have daughters after watching this.
"Superbad" for being super funny but also portraying dynamics in teen relationships that aren't usually shown. This movie has "raised the bar" for high school movies
"Mean Girls" for being funny and for taking an almost anthropolical look at high school social dynamics
"Bring It On" for being fun, not taking itself too seriously, and for near perfect structure and storytelling
"Donnie Darko" for excellent performances by the entire cast, for being clever and for capturing teenage sarcasm and angst
for TV shows, "Freaks and Geeks" over the 16 or so episodes they managed to make, combines the best elements of all the above and iluustrates how sometimes TV can be a superior medium for telling character driven stories.
Dazed and Confused. It is one of the only movies I will watch more than once. I watch it every year one the last day of school to really get into summer vacation. Also, Carrie is good. They are both very quotable.
"They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Quoting Carrie was such a good standby for high school banter...
Say Anything.
Hands down, without a doubt, all-time favorite high school movie. If Lloyd Dobbler were a real guy, I'd kidnap him and try to make out... and happily do a year in mid-level security state prison.
Dazed & Confused / Wet Hot American Summer
I want to choose like six, but that's cheating. I think She's All That, for having absolutely nothing to do with real life, and for including a choreographed dance at the obligatory prom scene. More specifically, for trying to pass it off like every school has a choreographed dance ready for the entire student body to perform. And Usher DJing prom.
Dazed and confused by far...
Clueless is my favorite. I'm realizing this might be a genre I really like, because I love so many of them. Lucas, Summer School, Mean Girls, Pretty in Pink, Pump Up the Volume...the list could go on for me.
my answer has been bugging me for a day or two. I knew that I was really spacing out on the one true high school movie to rule them all...
Fast Times At Ridgemont High!!!
final answer, might as well close the comments on this one.
i don't know if it is the best, but i love crybaby.
Breakfast Club
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