Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Question #99 Inventions

What needs to be invented?


Jake said...

Time machine. Duh.

sarah nevada said...

hover boards and basically anything else from back to the future II

JennGerVitis said...

I would really like something that would help me be able to pee outside more easily.

polish sausage queen said...

mass tele-transporter... like on star trek

pete g said...

a replicator, so we can do away with commerce and starvation

Anonymous said...

i agree with sarah about the hoverboards... i actually was just talking about that. i mean, i use hoverboards/hovercrafts and generally everything back to the future-related as points of reference on startlingly regular basis, though.

champagne in a box needs to be invented.

Unknown said...

There are too many things already. I would rather un-invent things. I would start with cars and then airplanes. Then we could all travel by train and bicycle and hot air balloon. Oh, and I'd definitely un-invent the Swiffer. I mean seriously, how lazy and wasteful do you have to be to use one of those?

Anonymous said...

A method of compulsary/mandatory, reversable mass sterilization that only affects humans.

Anonymous said...

a scale that measures the amount of shit you just dropped. Really born out of the Germany toilet construction, which involves an interim pre-flush expection level. You may as well be able to measure the weight! I bet would have had some records!!