Question #98 Least-Favorite Movie
Phil wants to know my five least-favorite movies. I want to know your single least-favorite movie. What's the movie, and what about it makes it so least?
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Phil wants to know my five least-favorite movies. I want to know your single least-favorite movie. What's the movie, and what about it makes it so least?
asked by
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Click with Adam Sandler, for the whole movie the humor is awful and all you can think is 'this is so dumb' and then near the end you start crying your eyes out. Its awful, and ends with him waking up and it being all a dream, of course.
Requiem for a Dream. It was a well made movie and everything but it made me miserable to watch it and I had nightmares from it.
Hollow Man with Kevin Bacon. It was a steaming pile of bacon balls. They have goggles that allow them to see invisible bacon, but they wear them on their head instead of over their eyes. Good Job Guys! Way to want it!
My least favorite movie of all time is the television show "Scrubs." I know that doesn't count.
my least favorite movie is the Black Dhalia. It was truly the biggest piece of garbage I've ever seen. Let me start with casting, Scartlet Johansson and Josh Hartnet, more like Blowhanson and Fartnet. Both of those two, take themselves way too seriously and can go right to hell for all I care. And furthermore, I would like to say this, it was fucking long and boring AND on top of that the story was so convoluted. Seriously, my favorite part of that movie watching experience was the fact that every other person in the theater was laughing hysterically at the Molly Shannon impersonation that the "killer" gave in her final performance. Oh yeah, and I'm going to say it: Hillary Swank OVERRATED. And now that you mention it, DePalma can join Blowhanson and Fartnet in hell, not for making SCARFACE, not because it's particularly bad movie, but because of all of the douchebags that masturbate and try to recreate that gangster bullshit.
My least favorite movie is Baseketball. Overall, I have a low tolerance for that kind of humor, but Baseketball gets a special place of hatred on my list because my husband loves it and thus watches it. Often.
I don't bear grudges against movies so much, so it's kind of hard for me to answer this. A few that come to mind tho:
Equilibrium--I like Sci-Fi and I really like Christian Bale, but this movie is a big turd. Generic 1984 style storyline...Matrix-ripoff Gun-Fu...Gun-Fu really, really bores me and will almost certainly disqualify a movie in my book.
Just Like Heaven--Mark Rufalo has his moments (Zodiac) and R. Witherspoon can be alright, but this movie is soooooo painful to watch. Even the San Francisco setting and the fact that it was filmed down the street from Tar's house when she lived there can't save this lemon. The scene where Mark Rufalo performs an emergency tracheotomy in Moose's made me want to puncture my own throat, in the hopes of severing my vocal cords to silence my agonizing screams because of this pile.
The Passion of the Christ
Fantastic 4 was a shallow and cynical attempt to take aware my hard earned money
mystic pizza...just boooooo!
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