Question #89 Experience
What was the greatest experience of your life?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What was the greatest experience of your life?
asked by
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Let's try this again...
Wedding days aren't all that important; it's all the days that follow that are. That said, our wedding week spectacular in Samoa last summer was tops.
Sharing the experience with all of our friends and family is what it the greatest. Each day of the trip got progressively better. We spent our honeymoon hanging out on a pristine secluded beach with all of our bros. I can't think of anything better. The ultimate in relaxation.
Samoa is pretty much my favorite place, but now I am afraid to return because perhaps last year can't be topped. It's hard enough to get all of our friends together as it is, there will never be another confluence of events when we are all back on Savaii together.
At least I have pictures
Depends on the connotation of "greatest" -- whether it means "most good" or "most remarkable in magnitude, degree, etc."
In the case of the first meaning, I don't know the answer. I've had a lot of great experiences, and no one of them seems to stick out above the others.
In the case of the second meaning, it's quite possibly the time I fell off the bridge, was in a coma for a couple days, hospitalized for a few weeks, couldn't walk for a while and then still couldn't walk without help for a longer while, had to wear an eye-patch, and so on.
It just occurred to me that-- despite the hardship-- this experience might have been the "greatest" in the first meaning as well; such circumstances can give substance to the usually-abstract connections between a person and their family/friends. Such was the case with me.
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