Question #88 Your Great-Grandparents
Where did your Great-Grandparents live and what did they do?
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Where did your Great-Grandparents live and what did they do?
asked by
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Estonia. Drink vodka.
The great-grandparents I knew lived the Sacramento Valley. My great-grandfather was a big time orchard owner and helped form the Blue Diamond Almond Cooperative while reading Louis L'Amour books, wearing a Stetson and cowboy boots and driving a giant Cadillac around. My great-grandmother was an avocational historian and wrote several books.
I love this question. I only know my dad's side:
Both were from Naples, my great grandpa was a trombone player and compulsive gambler. Great grandma was what people now call a "stay-at home mom." She had tons of kids, and legend has it she breast-fed the other townspeople's babies if they couldn't do it themselves. (It was WWII and people were starving and stuff).
Mom's Dad's Side: Lived in Ukiah, CA and were of the orchard-owning variety.
Mom's Mom's Side: Started out in Arkansas, moved around and eventually ended up in Ukiah. Great-grandfather was a professional baseball player (shortstop) and Major League Hall of Famer. His name was Arky Vaughan.
Dad's Dad's: Moved from Glasgow, Scotland to Palo Alto, CA. Great-greandfather worked in tile and had a hand in the Stanford University Memorial Church mosaic.
Dad's Mom's: Not sure. All I really know about them is that they were Mormons and lived in Utah.
On my moms side: My Great Grand parents met in Arkansas, married in Oklahoma because they could get it done faster for some reason, and then moved to Los Angeles. My Great Granny never worked, my Grandad did some stuff until he got a job at Edwards Airforce Base in the early 50s. They moved to this tiny town next to the base in one of the first housing tracts (and one of the only ones there to this day) and raise a family (two kids). My Grandad died when was about 8, he was retired from the base. My Granny is still alive. I saw her a couple weeks ago, she's 88.
On my dads side:
My great grand parents lived in Mexico until my grandpa (their son) came to the US legally, got settled, and moved them to Southern California. They were pretty old when they moved here, my great grand dad worked in the orchards for a few years before retiring. My nana was famous for her tamales. She put one raisin in one tamale in each batch and whoever got it......was special. :P They both died before I ever knew them.
minnesota (possibly immigrated from norway) and delaware/maryland.
no clue what they did. farmed?
Dad's side: Edward William Walsh, brownstone quarry worker-used to build the West Village, Eastlong Meadow Mass.; Jeanette Robertson, 10 babies, Eastlong Meadow Mass.; Daniel Leary, carpenter, Springfield Mass.; Georgiana Bilodeau, pastry chef, Nova Scotia/Mass.
Mom's side: Lela Netz, singer, Toledo Ohio; Irvin Lehman, insurance/real estate, Toledo Ohio; Magdelene Estella Sommer, teacher, Toledo Ohio; William H. Smith, attorney/banker, Toledo Ohio.
Dad's side: British sheep farmers living in Argentina, and artisan silversmiths in South London, Mother's side: college dean in Aberystwyth, and beachfront hotel owners in Hastings.
One worked in the coal-mines in Katowtzi (germany at the time), another was a successful business man, one came from France as a hugenot, but dont know what she did for a living, probably whoring herself out, like all hugenots...
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