Question #90 R-Rated
What was the first R-Rated movie you ever saw?
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What was the first R-Rated movie you ever saw?
asked by
Thursday, July 26, 2007
clockwork orange. I was scarred for life.
I'd answer this, but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun of hearing me discuss it on A Very Serious Conversation #9 (out soon).
When I was like 5 or 6, we just got HBO, which was crazy novel at the time. The babysitter was watching "Fast Times at Rigdemont High," and kept chasing us out the room. Watching through a crack in the door, I saw the, umm, Phoebe Cates scene, and it, umm, left an impression on me.
The first R rated movie that I recall watching all the way through was "Red Dawn." I can't remember exact circumstance, but somehow I was able to sneak in a viewing on HBO. It was my best thing, I conspired for several weeks to see that movie, checking TV guides, strategizing, scheming...
Revenge of the Nerds, my parents took me even though it was R because they thought it was going to have a positive message about working hard in school. Needless to say, it was a pretty akward drive home after the movie.
I saw Carrie when I was six and had nightmares for weeks.
Red Dawn like Pete, but I couldn't watch the whole thing...I was too scared by the deer blood scene. As you know, this was at Devin's Birthday party, afterwards we went to Low Gap park and the boys played Red Dawn games.
Really my first feature length, in the theater R was Flashdance. My father took me. It was his idea. Sweet...I've come to realize that it is one of the best movies ever made and largely responsible for introducing breakdancing to a broader audience.
probably either "rambo" or "missing in action" or a similar movie my father would watch on HBO when i was 4 or so.
I was 6 years old and on the way to see Transformers: The Movie with my uncle. We get to the HUGE TWO-THEATRE MOVIEPLEX and it turns out Optimus has sold out yet another show.
My uncle had to instead sneak me into the one other theatre which was showing Ruhtless People with Danny DeVito cussing up a storm. I may have even saw boobs. It felt pretty good.
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