Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Question #248 One Entertainment

Suppose you had to chose one of the following and everything else on the list would disappear from your life forever.

  1. Books
  2. Comic Books
  3. Music
  4. TV/Movies

Which would you chose?

Bonus: What factors did you weigh to make your decision?


Phoebe said...

Comic books because I haven't read one since Archie's when I was 7.

Tiffany! said...

I would leave comics without batting an eyelash. And though I thoroughly enjoy cinema, I could do without it. Unfortunately I doubt could ever choose between books and music because they are pretty much necessities. Sorry.

Everyday I spend more time reading and listening to/playing/singing music than I do eating... and I eat ALOT.

beth said...

I think it would have to be music. Music is an integral part of many aspects of my life; dance, gatherings, traveling. Most things would be pretty blah without it somewhere in the background.

philip said...

Books. Books are the real thing, nothing else could be as good.

Anonymous said...

TV/Movies, of course. you can get ANYTHING on TV... TV is my friend. And it's the only place I can watch "cumdumpster 38"... and "Black on Black crime 47".

Phoebe said...

Oh, I misread...I would pick movies as my only source of entertainment if I had to choose. And I wouldn't even need the TV.

feverishpoptart said...

TV/Movies. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do.

Jake said...

Phoebe's right in saying that Joe is asking the wrong question; he should have separated TV & movies.

I want to say that I'd keep books, but I actually think I'd keep movies.