Question #248 One Entertainment
Suppose you had to chose one of the following and everything else on the list would disappear from your life forever.
- Books
- Comic Books
- Music
- TV/Movies
Which would you chose?
Bonus: What factors did you weigh to make your decision?
Comic books because I haven't read one since Archie's when I was 7.
I would leave comics without batting an eyelash. And though I thoroughly enjoy cinema, I could do without it. Unfortunately I doubt could ever choose between books and music because they are pretty much necessities. Sorry.
Everyday I spend more time reading and listening to/playing/singing music than I do eating... and I eat ALOT.
I think it would have to be music. Music is an integral part of many aspects of my life; dance, gatherings, traveling. Most things would be pretty blah without it somewhere in the background.
Books. Books are the real thing, nothing else could be as good.
TV/Movies, of course. you can get ANYTHING on TV... TV is my friend. And it's the only place I can watch "cumdumpster 38"... and "Black on Black crime 47".
Oh, I misread...I would pick movies as my only source of entertainment if I had to choose. And I wouldn't even need the TV.
TV/Movies. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do.
Phoebe's right in saying that Joe is asking the wrong question; he should have separated TV & movies.
I want to say that I'd keep books, but I actually think I'd keep movies.
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