Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Question #228 Wallet-sizery

What size wallet should a man carry?*

BONUS: What should (or should not) go in it?

*exact dimensions OR relative terms


Pete said...

My bro-in-law is a chiropractor, and the advice he gave me is it doesn't matter how big it is, so long as you don't carry it in your back pocket and sit on it all day. Causes your hips and stuff to get all outta whack.

As for mine: small money clip sorta thing with 2 slots for my driver's license and debit card, and a center part for business cards and other stuff. Not much bigger than a folded in half $100 bill (cause' that's how I roll) and about as thick as a first gen iPod.

TLR said...

I am into a bi-fold these days. Way better than the monster tri-fold I had in my youth.

I have also learned to carry FAR less in my wallet, I have an ID, ATM and a credit card. Then some cash.

This is my model:


Tiffany! said...

I'm really ANTI-Hoarder.... I think a man should have a wallet that is big enough for creditcards or whathave you,and no more than that.
My dad has always had such wallets, and then relied on my mom's purse for all else... Now this is where I go off subject because what is as equally pressing is the notion that women need to carry their house with them. These are usually the same women who have the rest of their belongings loitering in a car trunk.
Growing up I got sick of hearing my dad ask why my mom didn't have duct tape, measuring tape, toothpicks, etc in her purse. (he's a contractor and sees it as a female tool belt)... And I saw that my mom progressed from cute small purses in the 80s to gargantuan ones because she could never downsize. Thus I have kept to always having ridiculously small purses. I now own one that is a bit of a tardis, small but can fit a book or two big beers for the movies... But I'm refusing to start carrying around a totebag or carry-on as a purse.

Apologies to everyone who read this entire rant, and to all those women ( and those with ManBags) who think that they need more than cards and moolah on them at all times.

philip said...

I think a wallet should be big enough for bills that are folded in half and for three cards (ID and two cards).

I think that you don't need to carry all of your cards with you, like for example your video store card, insurance card, supermarket club card, cause you can just give them your name and info.

Phoebe said...

The size of a man's wallet is 100% his personal choice. A man should be free to choose whatever size wallet he wants, regardless of size, dimension or the material it is made out of.

Whether we have small leather wallets or big canvas ones, we are all men in God's eyes. Except for those of us who are women and could care less.

Joe said...

I think it is reasonable to have a wallet that contains ONLY:

credit card

list of allergies and emergency contacts(if any)

Business cards

cash split between euros, pesos, USD, and yuan totaling $5000.00

two 1 ounce gold coins

metsker map of surrounding countryside

food rations for 5 days

strong antibiotics, 3 types

iodide tablets

gas mask

cyanide capsule

beth said...

As long as it can carry schwag (for schwag dice) it's a damn fine wallet in my eyes. in response to tiffany's tirade on purses...i like to pretend, that at any given moment, i could be called on by a radio station wacky morning show to see if i am carrying any of the following on my person:

1) roll of used film
2) wad of starbucks napkins not smaller than a tennis ball
3) a well viewed/loved copy of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
4) unpaid parking ticket dated before 17 october 1999
5) a lime

so you see...it is *imperative* that i carry large bags. i know it will pay off the one fine day that I get that call and I win tickets to the next Huey Lewis and the News concert or a $50 gas card.

devinv said...

121 mm x 89 mm x 18 mm

Anonymous said...

A wallet needs to be able to hold everything but your keys. and a man needs money, credit cards, ID(s), business/retaurant cards, two compartments for bills and it needs to be dark, soft leather. It needs to be able to pack $500-$700 in 20ies and still fold properly. That nylon wallet shit fixed up with duct tape doesnt fly anymore... Unless you only want to fornicate with bearded hippie chicks.
The only way you can carry a money clip is if you are seriosuly loaded. So seriously loaded, that should have a black AMEX card and would need it anyway. So noone should ever have a moneyclip.