Question #227 Your Own Filth
This was suggested by work buddy Matt.
What's the longest you've gone without bathing and why?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
This was suggested by work buddy Matt.
What's the longest you've gone without bathing and why?
asked by
Monday, February 11, 2008
5 days/ 4 nights...
I was hiking the Inca Trail.
On the 5th night after arriving at the ruins, a rain storm hit us hard and Paul and I ran about a mile or two down into the town where we showered and then soaked in hotsprings.
Pretty much the best cleaning experience ever, from being the filthiest ever.
I lived out of a van while I traveled cross-country for two months once. I didn't really bathe the whole time, aside from the quick and freezing Dr. Bronner's sponge baths every couple days, and occasional river/lake swim. My armpits smelled at all times and my genitals never felt completely fresh.
You asked.
Last time that I went more than a week was most likely on warped tour or something.
The showers were spotty and I would alwasy be just a sweaty when I walked back to the buses so I ust skipped them mostly.
If I don't shower, it usually involves a camping trip or a big illness. Probably the longest I've gone is three days. But there was a lot of swimming in the lake, so I wasn't quite smelly, just dirty. I never really stay that clean when I'm outdoors.
Ummm... Every summer at scout camp I'd refuse to shower with the other boys because I was a fat kid and didn't liked being made fun of. So, 7 days, approximately, unless you count swimming in Lake Lakota as bathing...
-not pete g-
the longest i've ever gone without showering/bathing in a regular shower/bath was around six weeks. it was summer at the crappy in 1993. i was a high school dropout with a penchant for king cobra and malboro menthols. we had run out of propane which meant no hot water and no showers. i'm pretty sure jake took cold showers, though (or perhaps he took them in his mom's house). i probably spent every day in a lake, river, pool or sauna so i didn't really feel dirty. the only time i actually felt dirty was when my friend chon and i brought a bar of soap and tall cans in the pool at the same time. i was just pretending to use the soap. he was purple.
Oh yeah, there was also the year I lived on McNabb Ranch and our well went dry. I had to bathe in the crick before school every morning for about month. A CRICK. No shit.
I think when I was a little kid I would bathe on a weekly basis so I would say 6 days. I would like to go a month without bathing, I bet it would be good for my health.
I went 11 days without showering while on Warped Tour a couple years back. I did, however, apply baby-wipes to the important areas on at least a daily basis.
I'm sure I've gone a week without showering a few times. I am super lazy, and the only reason I shower daily now is because I go to the gym.
Like a few other folks, the longest I went without showering (5 days) was while working on the Warp Tour. I was driving a van full of gear during the first week of the tour until a trailer could be added to the bus. This meant I would drive all night in the tour caravan of semis and buses and vans, and in theory sleep during the day. I didn't sleep much and I showered even less. I didn't pack enought socks and I only had one pair of shoes. The tops of my feet turned into a septic mess. I totally got trench foot, which was really upsetting to me because I am generally a pretty clean dude.
As soon as I got back home, I went straight to the doctor. You can imagine, a week of working in the sun, driving all night, not sleeping much, not eating well, not bathing and having horribly fucked feet meant that I was pretty gacked out when I strolled into the exam room. I had a zit on the inside of my elbow. The doctor inspected it with great fascination and I could tell he thought I slamming intraveneous drugs. Instead of getting all Hippocratic on me, he basically kicked me out, told me to wear Birkenstocks and gave me a prescription for special foot cream. When I picked up my prescription at the pharmacy, I discovered that what he prescribed me and what I had to pay $30 for was they same stuff that I could buy over the counter for $3. I was pissed. I didn't go to the doctor for 5 years after that, until I got strep throat real bad. As far as my trench foot went, Tea Tree Oil did the trick.
Probably when I had mono when I was 17....I slept through about three days and after that I was too weak to get out of bed anyways. So, it was probably five or six days total.
Funny because my gynecologist said that women shouldn't wash their privates with soap, and I don't mean boobers. The pH balance in some soaps are too harsh for down there and can cause major irritation. TMI?
Anyways, that being said I do wash my va jay jay, but it shocked me because I had never heard someone say NOT to wash down there.
so the longest I have gone is 4 days.
one weekend when camping. i also didn't change underpants. it was cold and the campground bathroom was gross.
i got a lot of teasing for it. but after hearing these answers, i don't see why. it was a comparatively damn short time. hypocrites.
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