Question #226 Get Lucky
In honor of yesterday's lunar new year:
Do have any object or symbol you consider lucky? (lucky number, date, color, pennies, animal, etc.)
And do you actually believe it brings you good luck, or is it just habit/comfort?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
In honor of yesterday's lunar new year:
Do have any object or symbol you consider lucky? (lucky number, date, color, pennies, animal, etc.)
And do you actually believe it brings you good luck, or is it just habit/comfort?
asked by
Friday, February 08, 2008
I don't think there's anything I genuinely believe to be imbued with probability-bending properties, and even if I did believe in such things I don't see why they'd favor me.
That said, a few objects/symbols get at least mock reverence from me. Whenever they appear, I'm cheered up by the opportunity to mock revere. I usually keep it to myself when it happens.
The number 1134 (or time-of-day 11:34) comes immediately to mind.
Yes, I wear a Cornuto everyday. People ask me if it's a chili pepper a lot.
This isn't really an answer, but the question made me instantly seethe with my hatred of Astrology.
I guess I have a jacket I've had since I was 19 that I care about quite a little bit. It has blood stains on it from fights and stuff. I've used it for pillow in times of homelessness. It currently resides in Italy with my girlfriend. I told her that since the jacket is my heart, she should keep it while we aren't together. But really, it's an impractically thin jacket and I didn't have room for it in my bag.
i don't really believe in any of that non-sense, but i do have a lucky formal poncho that usually means i'm going to have a good dinner AND a good time.
I used to have a malachite that was always in my car that someone gave me. Though I wouldn't say it was lucky, I suppose in hindsight, seeing as it was my first car and the only one I wasnt involved in an accident in (not that any of the others were of my fault)... perhaps it was.
I don't have any lucky-anything now, but I have held on to two photographs that I will probably always keep around. One is of me at age 3 holding a coffee cup (presumably of cocoa) sitting proudly next to a masterpiece of my construction out of blocks; it reminds me that I was born a capable person and that it is okay that I need some coffee to assist my capability.. :) And I have a photograph taken in Stratford of a roof, and written on the back is "Raise high the roof beam, carpenters" the picture has very significant inspirational meanings to me.
I guess I'm a big believer in creating your own luck and your own destiny, and instead of lucky charms I keep around people and things that inspire me to be a better person.
on a lighter note... I have a dress that shows almost the entirety of my boobs, but still looks classy... Its a guarantee for getting lucky, if that counts.
I don't really have things that I keep around for luck...but I often find myself wearing a certain bracelet that my father gave to me for very important meetings, interviews or other high pressure occasions.
It's not about luck though. It's really just about having something with me that connects me to a person I find strength from.
OH! Also, I used to have a small button that Tiffany! made me several years back. It was just a close up Martha Stewart's eye (to "remind me that she is always watching me!") I wore it hidden in the waistband of my skirt, for good luck, to my first big interview in the City (with The Ritz-Carlton). I aced the interview. I like to think Tiffany and Martha had something to do with it.
Sadly, I lost that button at the beach.
lies walker lies!
I lost MY button from you at El Matador beach on our celebration picnic.
Your Martha-eye is probably under the bed... she says she is getting an eyeful, of miscellany AND she hates Paul McCartneys visits.
no,i lost her at OB. i'm pretty sure you were with me. miscellany?! accusations.
Well it is sad, yet sweet that they both met their demise on california beaches.
As for the miscellany, it shall remain one of the great mysteries of the very serious question.
beth and tiffany! have you ever heard of the Victorian notion of the Lover's Eye? People would secretly wear little buttons which featured a portrait of their lover's eye tucked into their clothing. That way, well, their lover was always with them- but if they were found out, it was only an eye..
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