Questions #207 Epoch
If you could live in any century or time period, when would you live? (past, present, or future)
*Bonus: What would be your occupation?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
If you could live in any century or time period, when would you live? (past, present, or future)
*Bonus: What would be your occupation?
asked by
Friday, January 11, 2008
If I didn't get to choose then probably I would live in Russia and be a serf. If I could choose I would like to be a riverboat gambler in the old West or Grand Prix driver in the 60s like this.
I'd live a century ago and would be Teddy Roosevelt's personal assistant. If I couldn't get that job, I'd be a newspaperman in the West.
I think I would want to be in England and between wars. My occupation would be "idle rich". I would pass the time by being bored while at parties on blimps etc.
Alternately I would be in Abyssinia in the same time period. There I would be Haile Selassie's assistant.
There is a small chance I have overly-influenced by recent reading material.
Being a serf in .ru would be totally great Phil! I work with a dude who grew up in Siberia. His dad was a scientist for some military base (I am positive he was doing things totally beneficial for mankind). This dude stolidly does whatever is asked of him without any complaint at all. I suspect it is his upbringing.
I would be a weathly Gentleman's daughter in the Englsh countryside in the late 19th Century. I would spend my time reading, drinking tea, going to the opera, being seen at parties during "the season" in London, and making witty comments and observations.
I would probably dabble in the women's reform movement, as it was all the rage for ladies at that time. I would pride myself on being lovely and stubborn; so basically I want to live in Jane Austen novel.
I'd have a good time in any time period if I were a member of the nobility. So, I'd like to be a well-to-do lady in each of the following times and places:
4th Century AD Rome,
Napoleonic Paris,
New York right after WWII,
and Milan in '60's.
Most of these are solely based on the footwear and furniture of the time.
I think I'd be an old money, uppity bluestocking in Boston. I'd live on Beacon Hill and have an evening constitutional of a walk around the common.
Or I'd live now, which is pretty sweet, though I'd rather already have finished school and maybe be the head city librarian. Hmmm. Actually, my new job is pretty cool. I prefer to live in the now, as Garth says.
If I can't have either of those, I'll be an equestrian schoolmate of Ariel's and take tea with her. She seems jolly good fun.
I would live in the United States during the 1940's and 50's and would be responsible for animating cartoons for Warner Bros.
I think that I will say High Victorian London- upper class please.
or. during the middle of the 19th century out west- as a saloon keeper (or maybe madam, they seem to go hand in hand)
Or. The future. Like the post post apocalyptic future. (51st century?)
I'd like to live it up in the roaring 20's. My family would have been on the poshier side and much to their chagrin, I'd hang out in smoky night clubs with the Lost Generation poets and writers and dance the night away with jazz musicians.
I would also throw lavish parties at which I would wear sparkling flapper dresses and play a trumpet solo with the band, after which I'd squeal "Raaasspppberrries!" with delight.
Awesome CarolChanning/MouthMargaritas
reference, Walker. I'm even thinking about changing my time period to hangout with you.
I would live in 3100 AD and my occupation would be Door to Door Pineapple Salesman.
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