Question #208 Clothes
What's the worst thing you ever wore?
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What's the worst thing you ever wore?
asked by
Monday, January 14, 2008
For a few weeks in 1997 I wore leg braces on each leg that kept them totally immobile, sock with air pockets that inflated every two minutes, an open-backed gown and an eye patch.
I'm torn between 'Everything from the 80s' and 'baggy pants from Merry-Go-Round, when I was in jr high and a friend tried to make me dress 'house' '
Not in everyday life, but for a summer run of a musical, I had to wear silver tapshoes, a mirrored Roman soldier slat-skirt (with silver kickpants, obvi), a mirrored bra, tons of sliver beads connecting from the shoulder straps to silver bracelets, and a silver mirrored skullcap with a disco ball on top.
That outfit made you paranoid about having any possible 'jiggle' (as we were tap dancing) AND made you feel bald and ridiculous. Awesome.
Hell, I might as well answer this one. I wore very short shorts. A lot.
Tapered jeans. Fuck.
Parachute pants and matching vest. It was 1984.
I'm not really embarrassed by the scrunchie socks or bubble skirts or neon blazers--I'm more embarrassed by stuff from like, 5 years ago. This was a weird period when I just didn't care and never spent money on clothes.
This weekend my friend Maggie showed me a picture from then, where I am wearing camel corduroy jacket that is way too small for me, Levi's "Type 1" jeans...and um, Rocket Dogs that looked like this. I was also really lax about washing my hair. (More lax than I am now, I mean.)
I used to wear elastic waisted acid washed jeans. Enough said.
A head and neck gear combo. For the better part of my later primary education.
most people might say the (slightly) flared medium brown corduroy pants which were destroyed upon my purchase of a pair of regular jeans in '01 were it. whilst others might say it's anything of the homeless variety that i rock this current era. i would have to say it was the cosby sweater era in high school, where i constantly ordered multi-colored sweaters and cardigans from tweeds and smythe and company. in retrospect, they would have been a lot cooler if they weren't five sizes to large for me.
Wow, there are so many. I have horrible, horrible personal style. Almost everytime I try to look cool I regret it the next day.
I think my worst was a couple of years ago when I was going through my "edgy" phase. I won't even go in to it, but when I got out of my elevator, a girl was going up and she looks at me and says "cool costume!". I went back up and changed after that.
sweat pants and mountain boots in high school.
A "Big Dog" jacket which was fluorecent yellow with black polka dots all over it. Because of the waste band on it, I was able to half zip it and pour entire boxes of upper deck baseball cards into it. I would pair this jacket with red sweatpants and a blazers cap.
Also, one year I wore a nike "Flight" suit, which was bright shimmery red, with black netting down the arms and legs, kind of like basketball spiderman. It cost my mom $200 at Marshals and because of the price I got no other clothes that year.
i used to wear all kinds of unacceptable bullshit. still do actually. but the worst and only thing i'm really embarrassed about is puffy white skate shoes. brobrobro.
I just realized that this is a "worst clothing" question. I read Jake's answer and completely went with his interpretation.
As far as clothing goes: I think the purple silk blazer over tight stirrup stretch pants was the worst. I think my mom still had some influence over my wardrobe at that point. I looked like an extra that walked off the set of Moonlighting. Except for the fact that I wasn't even 5'0" yet.
double-breasted wine-colored shirt with gray um, slacks...and boots with heels. They were complimented by my guyliner and flowing hair and earrings. No, I was not a woman in a previous was 1984.
I've never been afraid to experiment with clothes so I've worn many terrible things. I think all of my vinyl clothes from my goth clubbing days should count as one big worst thing I ever wore.
my mother's bra.
hey, it was an experiment.
I once got a perm and sported Reebok pumps and neon shirts...I wish I had pics to share with y'all.
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