Thursday, January 24, 2008

Question #215 Savings

Do you save money? How much in general? How do you do it?

Sorry for three questions in one day but this is something I really want (need) to get input on.


Dirty Dan Sin said...

No. None. No how.

I have two kids. 'Nuff said.

Tiffany! said...

yeah, sorry Mr. Sin... I think that my secret to saving money has involved being married for over 6 years without having the pitter patter of little feet.
I also am incredibly frugal, don't have cable or even broadcast television, don't actually have a television worth watching things on (that helps), and we eat in/ drink in alot.
I am planning on eventually finishing my degree, getting a good job, to thus, start making more money (to save and do cool stuff with)... but I'll have to update you on that next year.

Jake said...

If negative-money counts, then I save a lot of it. I'm a negative thousandaire, in fact. The key in attaining such status is my belief that the future is a myth (I mean, I've never seen the future).

viktor said...

i could really imagine myself saving money. however, in the current grad school state, i consider student loans my savings account. each quarter i get enough money to keep me fed, drunk, high and able to travel. granted, i'm collecting a negative savings account. i have a feeling that if this alleged "future" ever does come, i can deal with it then. future victor is going to be pissed off at me.

ariel said...

I once saw this SNL skit of a commercial for a financial planning firm; the firm’s services included having someone follow you around and hit you on the head with a wooden plank and yell “Hey moron! don’t spend money you don’t have!!!!” every time you try to buy something. I know it was supposed to be a joke, but its definitely the best financial advice I’ve ever heard.

That said, I’m lucky, I didn’t have to pay for college, so I don’t owe nobody nothin’.

beth said...

Saving money is like that old friend that I haven't seen since I moved to San Francisco.

From time to time I will run into Savings (usually around the holidays) and tell Savings how good it is to have her around again. But as soon as I've had my fun, I forget all about her. And then, one rainy day, I am forced to live within my means.

So, yeah, I know I didn't even attempt to wrap up the end of that analogy...but the cold meds make it so I don't really care.

I have been saving money by eating nearly every meal at home and cutting back on drinking.

I've also decided to give up my mink & diamond eyelash habit and make the switch to regular ol' drugstore lashes.

Hope that's helpful, T!

Joe said...

I save money...

...From having to spend too much time in my pocket! Woo! Boo-ya! This guy knows what I'm talking about. So anyway...

Phoebe said...

I only save money for very short-term extravagances, as opposed to future dream vacations or retirement. As far as methods, it's just a matter of prioritizing: Like, buying groceries as opposed to ordering take out, bringing lunch to work everyday, taking the subway as opposed to cabs, using coupons, following up on rebates, shaking down people that owe me money with all sorts of threats and intimidation...Then at the end of the month I can buy a new pair of boots!

tomotron said...

I don't save, this is becoming very problematic.