Question #216 Complements
What is the best complement you have ever received?
(*Bonus: Worst insult?)
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What is the best complement you have ever received?
(*Bonus: Worst insult?)
asked by
Friday, January 25, 2008
I can't think of many horrible insults, as I assume the worst are given behind one's back...
Here's a (sorta) funny one: my boss was looking for not-terribly-hotels in San Francisco and I threw out a suggestion, to which he responded, "Phoebe, I adore you, but I will never, ever take a hotel recommendation from you."
I'm not flossy.
Call me old-fashioned but I just like applause.
Yes, I get it.
Once in Union Square on market day, an old man told me that I was “like a beacon of light in this dark world,” it was really the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Though to humble myself, I have flaming red hair and I’m pretty sure that he meant that I was unintentionally guiding him through the traffic and massive crowds. It seemed like he had really horrible vision and it was a very dark, cloudy day; but it made me elated for a good week.
Gentleman, use that line on a lady and watch her melt
Once someone told me that I looked exactly like my brother except I had tits and he didn't. This was probably the worst thing I have heard. At least, this is the worst thing I can think of right now.
Oh, by far, the best compliment I've ever received was someone sincerely complimenting my parenting. And, conversely, the worst insult was someone saying they felt sorry for my kids to have me as a mom. It was from a stranger, but it still burns a little just thinking about it.
My best compliment was given in song. A friend made a whole Ballad about how we met and in it she rapped that I had the 'most beautiful, beautiful green eyes, that you ever did see.' The rest of the ballad/rap was also very complimentary. She's pretty great to have around.
Worst insult?
I have a lot of horrible things yelled at me by homeless. And not just because I go around kicking them while they are sleeping. (joke)
I was most insulted when one guy with a 'HUNGRY' sign,took the veggie burrito I gave him and threw it in the trash. But, as far as verbal insults, I have recently heard, 'Damn Baby, you sure do look like a mean one!' and I was the victim to a cracked out russian hooker's counting exercises while my friends and I crossed the street."One, two, three fat bitches" Nice manners, eh?
The best compliment I've received might be when I was told that I looked like a young Merle Haggard.*
Worst insult was probably the donut-making-deficiency incident referred to in my answer to Question #214.
*This was when I was still young-ish.
By far it would have to be the countless times Phil has told me I am "the best". He hasn't said that to anyone else, has he...
For reals I like when people tell me I look like Maggie Gyllenhall because I think she is aces.
Worst insult was not so much verbal as it was a bum hitting me across the face with a fist. When I yelled "Why did you do that," while simultaneously crying, the bum exclaimed "Because I'm Jesus!" I was upset because I was not aware Jesus disliked me so much, also my face hurt.
First off: Tiffany, I love that you know she was a Russian hooker. In addition to that lovely encounter, someone once shouted at me et al.: "You ladies is gross anyways!" Apparently I'm a big, grody mess when walking around town.
Unfortunately, I don't take compliments very well. I usually chime in with some self-deprecating remark. It totally ruins things, therefore I rarely remember the compliment (just my own stupid reaction over and over in my head).
I've been working on that.
Someone once told me (in a letter): "No one is quite as a lady as you. My dear, you glide." Which was pretty cool, but I don't think they knew me very well.
oh and if you are the person who gave someone their best compliment ever, that in itself is a compliment. :)
I remembered something worse than all of my street-people-related-insults...
One time a guy said I looked like Jennifer Love Hewitt.
seriously?! Ouch.
Ouch is right, Tiff...but not about the JLH comment - she is a celebrity, after all. You weren't kidding about the checkmate.
Touché! **
Ps...thanks for the compliment.
The best compliment I had was when someone at work told me they would move to this country but only if they could be on my team.
There have been too many rad insults in the history of Joe to be able to pick from. Two rad ones that I remember from the steps:
My stepmom told my Dad she was tired of living with "this little wimp in the house" and pointed at me.
One time my real mom said something along the lines of "wow Joe you are really tall now" in front of my (way) shorter stepdad. His response: "yeah but he will never more than a 40 inch chest" and then he looked at me like he had really gotten a good diss in.
I get strange compliments from friends. My friend Gavin once told me "You are materialistic and self centered, but you do it in such a charming way that they don't even seem like bad things." Yay for charm! I had a man stop me on the street to tell me I was beautiful on a day I was totally slumming it and not wearing make-up. It wasn't sleazy either, it was just nice.
As far as insults go I'm sure I am harder on myself than anyone else could ever be, but nothing sticks out in my head. I don't want to know the bad things that people say about me because I know I would be sad and obsess over it. :(
I just remembered a funny compliment that I have to add. I was at some awful all ages show a few months ago and I escaped outside for a bit to try and bum a cigarette from someone. I see this older couple smoking. By older I don't mean elderly, because everyone was like 16. So I ask for a cigarette and the girl rolls her eyes, scoffs and starts digging in her purse. Major attitude. Her friend has this dumb grin on his face and I'm wondering what the hell is going on. She finally gives me a cigarette, and of course I don't have a lighter so I ask for that too. She looks at me and goes "Are you even old enough to smoke??". Hilarious. I'm like "I'm 30...". The looks of disbelief on their faces was priceless. "Oh my god, I thought you were another kids just trying to bum a cigarette! Are you really 30? You look amazing!". The guy then goes "I'm 30 too!". I just smiled and said "Cool man" but he looked like he was 100.
uh, i have these friends who like, always compare me to movie stars for some reason (honestly not sure why, probably some inside joke i don't know about and these are probably insults...) but a few times they told me i looked like: John Travolta, Harrison Ford, and i think i even heard tom cruise... so like, they're not ugly, so i guess its a compliment...
Someone I've known a long time and who I care a lot about told me, completely out of the blue, that I was "the best part of his youth". It was said over text message, which made for awkward explanations to the people I was eating dinner with when I got it as to why I was suddenly crying in the middle of a taqueria. Still, it was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me and I'll never forget it.
The worst "compliment" I ever received was on a first date. The guy said, "You have the nicest ass I've ever seen. That's more important than having big tits." There was no second date.
By far the the best compliment I have ever received is when Smith told me,
"you're like ACTUALLY one of the guys. I know girls always think they're one of the guys... but they're not. You're the only one who ACTUALLY IS. We talked about it."
It is a little bit unfortunate though because most guys I know don't want to f guys.
its not the worst insult, but it was one of my favorite. a homeless man yelled out "GROW AN ASS" to me in college.
O god! This is by far the best. I was leaving my bar after a hard days work and a this guy walks up to me and said "Hey girl, damn.. nice FART BOX!!!" It stopped me dead in my tracks. It was good one.
Someone told me i was there "dreamgirl" that is really nice because I would love to be someone's dreamgirl.
When I was young the guy at our local supermarket always used to call me "Sonny". I was always to timid to tell him I was a girl.
worst insult: a certain friend's fiancee told me I didn't know how to cook ramen.
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