Monday, November 19, 2007

Question #172 Hate

I am in a foul mood (just for today), so I am breaking my usual positive slant and inviting every Very Serious Answer-Person to my vent sesh, k?

Who do you find the most deplorable human on the planet? If you'd like to keep things vague, then tell me what trait you most deplore in others? (This is totally lifted from the Proust Questionnaire, yes.)

If this is all too intense, then just tell me your biggest pet peeves.

Thanks and have a good holiday!


Dirty Dan Sin said...

The Chairperson of the Tribe of which I am a former member. She used US Federal support and eveil attorneys to change the membership requirements, which booted nearly a hundred of us. Indians no more. Now that is one rotten bitch. Her name is Leona. *Spits on ground*

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton

Jake said...

Other than James F. "Jimmy" Dingus, I'd go for the obvious and say Dick Cheney. I'm also disgusted by Gene Simmons and Ted Nugent (though I can appreciate the latter's claim that he doesn't have to drink/use drugs because he's "high on pussy").

philip said...

Osama Bin Laden because he acts like the Grinch from Dr. Seuss. Maybe Martin Lawrence for being so unfunny and unsettling.

ariel said...

First of all, I hate the phrase “pet peeve”. It is so completely annoying and it doesn’t even make sense. Its so STUPID. The only phrase worse than it in the English language is “same difference”. The use of such phrases should be avoided at all costs.

As far as deplorable people go, the Paris Hilton Types are the worst. Not just her, but the whole MTV crew of rich kids who are famous for god-knows-what. They really really really piss me off. I feel that every human being has an obligation to do some good in the world. You don’t have to cure cancer or save the world; just being a mildly decent person is enough. They can’t even seem to pull that off. I worry that they, and every stupid kid trying to be like them, are going to bring about the fall of western civilization.

Nate Geniella said...

This is a hard one to answer...I could pick on the current administration...but i am kind of over being mad about them cuz its been like almost 7 years of that crap

Other than that...most deplorable traight in others...Is ignorance... I feel that, when dealing with politics, ignorance is very prevalent on both extremes of the politcal spectrum...people holding extreme views, sticking to some idea, acting out of some unknown lame and very destructive to our society...and also very prevalent in such things as environmental policy...I feel its important to be informed, both scientifically and conscientiously, before you assume some stern stance...strict, unchanging views are usually pretty lame anyways...

Its kind of like the phenomenon that jon stewart pointed out when he went on crossfire and told them that what they were doing was hurting america. That show at all about two dudes holding these extreme views, yelling at eachother, generally never factually discussing important issues.... and that kind of behavior is what i see in a lot of people (again on both sides of politics) doing today in day to day conversations..

Anonymous said...

Russel Simmons Argyle Culture: is a brand new menswear collection commemorating the class, stature and respect achieved by those urban graduates who have "arrived."

A new demographic has emerged by way of the maturation of the original young, urban enthusiast. Russel Simmons Argyle Culture focuses on the success of men over 25 who have fulfilled their dreams.

Anonymous said...

I try not to hate... but Stone Phillips really pisses me off. He just has one of those plastic faces that makes me want to spit. And that voice. And what's his purpose? Introducing a story that someone else is going to tell, then saying "thank you goodnight" in his arrogant bastard voice. I guess that's not really hate-worthy, but he does bug the crap out of me.

feverishpoptart said...

Nancy Grace. I don't understand how anyone who watches her show isn't absolutely disgusted with the way she exploits the terrible events that occur in peoples lives. It frightens me to know people think she is awesome and religiously watch her show. If I hadn't met one of her fans I would have never believed they existed. I would simply have gone on believing her show was some sort of satire, and everyone watched it simply to get a good laugh or perhaps it was a new twist on horror. I could also go on a tangent about her twin demon spawns, but my nose has suddenly started bleeding and I worry that it is related to the subject at hand. She really upsets me.

Joe said...

There are lots of abstractions that I hate (eg Faith-based reasoning, busy-work, slavery) as well as a few collective groups that I hate (eg humans, trees, skinheads.)

However, if there is one person in particular that I hate, that I can't stand to look at or particularly hear for 2 seconds, it is definately Rachel Ray on the food network.

Fuck I hate her so much I don't even think that video is funny; it just fills me with rage. She is even worse than Emeril.

Anonymous said...

I think the most deplorable human that I know about is Mann Coulter.

And I think the trait I most deplore in others is lack of empathy.

Anonymous said...

i agree with smarmy mama! lack of empathy. the inability to see things from any other perspective other than your own.

i have a list:
lack of empathy
lack of integrity

these are a few of my favorite things (to hate) in others.

philip said...

I don't like when this american life does live shows and the audience laughs politely at the end of every sentence.

tomotron said...

Not to be a Debbie Downer but I think child molesters are the worst people in the world. They should be castrated and then buried alive. just a thought.