Question #171 Reality
If TV executive gave you a bunch of money to produce a reality TV show, what kind of show would you make? (What is the premise? Who would star in it? Etc.)
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If TV executive gave you a bunch of money to produce a reality TV show, what kind of show would you make? (What is the premise? Who would star in it? Etc.)
asked by
Friday, November 16, 2007
I would make a reality show about the WGA members on strike. With all those smart and funny, disgruntled writerly-types, there's bound to be tons of intrigue, romance and passive aggressive rivalry to capture on video...The hard part would be getting self-respecting people to fist-fight and make out in jacuzzis.
I produce a reality show about Phil's life. I would co-star and would follow him around and make him extremely uncomfortable in social situations.
It would really be hard to resist making a show about me and a handful of my friends traveling every rail line in the world.
my reality TV show would be the making of a reality TV show. wrap your mind around that one.
Is there a reality show about horse racing tracks or gamblers? I'd like to see that... and star in it.
It would be about me and my friends Heather, and Michelle. We would go on vacation and hilarity would just ensue. I went on a trip with Michelle last year and she video blogged a lot of it. It was pretty awesome. We are usually up for anything, immature, we drink like fish, and get ourselves into all sorts of trouble. If the show bombed, well then we got paid to go on vacation anyway. Suckers.
I think it would be cool to have one of those rich bratty celeb-type of shows but staring rich bratty people from my hometown, Ukiah CA.
It would be cool to follow around some of the Fetzer daughters or like check out how the Thomas kids are dealing with rehab etc.
i think a reality show based on like real life in college would be funny... like show real parties, not fake ones that always look really cool...but like the parties that i go too...could record and replay all the stupid s that people like me and my friends say and do...
i mean, its always funny watching people get drunk and make bad decisions right?
this might have to be heavily edited though...
I would say that a reality show about the bookstore would be entertaining - we have some real characters (black-teeth/white-hair Larry; talk-to-himself/disbarred-defense-attorney Fred; ex-marine-now-living-at-the-Y-and-forever-asking-for-a-ride-home Joe Martin; retired-physics-professor/wife-beater Dr. Siegel... you get the picture) - but would anyone watch that? I have to see this sloppy, rude, socially retarded bunch of single old men every day and I'd rather not.
Concert bootleggers getting busted. kind of a cops/dog TBH scenario. stalking, under cover buys, then the goons come in for some head-busting and confiscation. yeah!
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