Question #166 Storybooks
Which of your favorite children's storybooks would you most like to see made into a live action film?
(*Bonus: Who should star in the film?)
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Which of your favorite children's storybooks would you most like to see made into a live action film?
(*Bonus: Who should star in the film?)
asked by
Friday, November 09, 2007
Scuffy the Tugboat with John C Reilly as Scuffy.
The Story of Ferdinand - starring me as he.
Not really a kids book but I always wanted 'enders game' to be made into a film.
The Wind in the Willows. Tim Burton should make it.
My dream cast:
Mole: Paul Giamatti
Rat: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Toad: Christian Bale
Badger: Albert Finney
Johnny Depp could make a surprise cameo as Otter.
I loved Runaway Rabbit, but child actors scare me, so I'm going to go with another favorite: The Giving Tree.
Skipping the child actor part, I'd have Zac Efron (with a better haircut and less makeup) as the teenager, Ryan Gosling as the adult, and Peter O'Toole as the old man. And I think I'd have Helen Mirren voice the tree.
Where the wild things are. Phil, you could be the little boy...
Does that oversize book about gnomes (I think it's called Gnomes) count? Because that would kind of rule.
Cast would include John C. Reilly, Billy Bob Thornton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Cathy Bates (with a nude scene for her).
Shel Silverstein's Where The Sidewalk Ends..
so i guess it would have to be a series of all the poems linked together somehow, which now that i think of it could be really crazy.
Starring...?? Maybe narration by Christopher Walkin.
okay... I was going to rant about how I'm always disappointed with the live action versions, but then I read Jake's answer. That Gnomes book (by Poortvielt, maybe?) would rule as a movie. Although I don't think it's really a kids book. It's more of a field guide. A critical study of the gnome in his natural habitat.
I'd make Paul Giomatti the main gnome. And I'll support the Cathy Bates choice as the mother/wife gnome, but no nude scene. And Billy Crystal would have to be in it.
harry the dirty dog, starring eddie murphy.
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, and the Ramona Quimby books. I don't know who I would want to star in them.
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