Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Questions #134 Fear

What are you afraid of?


Jake said...


Not really. But they DO give me a start, because one blindsided me on the street when I was a small child in Tucson, AZ. Back then, I was genuinely afraid of them and if one came along, I'd watch it very closely with suspicious eyes, ready to retreat at the first sign aggression.

These days, I'm mainly afraid of the Humboldt squid (aka "Roho Diablo").

JennGerVitis said...

I am afraid I will always have to have a crappy job and will never get paid to do what I want. And wolves. I am very afraid of them. Come to think of it, I am also afraid killers will get me or someone I know.

Anonymous said...

guns... and sharks... oh dear, I'm glad sharks don't have hands or I'd probably never go in the ocean. Though seriously, both are pretty wicked scary to me.

ariel said...

In no particular order:

Spiders, snakes, mosquitoes, scary movies, rhinoceroses, the man-eating dogs from the movie Willow, shadows in my apartment at night, sounds in my apartment at night, most things that happen at night, people walking behind me, revolving doors, talking to strangers, boys who talk to me in bars, strangers in general, running into people I know unexpectedly in the street, subway platforms, nudity/sex in movies, mustaches (but not beards), killer bees, walking into my apartment with the lights off, goats with horns, New York taxis, carbon monoxide, swimming in the ocean, taking showers, romance, the guys who hand out free papers in the subway, tv shows about crime, heights, large rocks, guns, bears, Taco Bell, phone calls, telling people where I live, taking off in airplanes (but not landing), myspace, facebook, Halloween, failure, digital cameras, people who get in fights, walking down long staircases, low flying birds, new born babies, helicopters, dancing (but not slow dancing), karaoke, the lack of harry potter books to come, the future, new years eve parties, watching movies in theaters, imitation butter products, driving fast, and forgetting things that are important.

tomotron said...

Hahahaha Ariel you crack me up!

1) Moths
2) Body Odor
3) Tentacles

SaRara! said...

Being alone and unloved, being left behind by every I love, spiders (ish), I have a very irratinal fear of the dark.

And college brings on a whole new batch of irrational fears, to name a few: there's this vent in the bathroom right behind the toilet and I'm so terrified to turn around and there will be someone's face pressed up against it ala Summer of Night!!! And I fear people coming into my dorm and stealing my shit. But that's rational!

Nate Geniella said...

its funny that you bring up the humboldt squid cuz this did i met was totally going off on them last night...

I am primarily afraid of heights... sometimes spiders and snakes...but not so much anymore..

sarah nevada said...

brown recluse spiders, cockroaches, another die hard installment, the thought of running into a present day steven seagal and being disapointed, arizona, utah, polygamists, killers, brain tumors, living in Las Vegas, escalating APR rates, hard boiled eggs, zoonotic diseases, driving in New York City,carbon monoxide, identity theft,evangelical children, oh and definitely the man eating dogs in willow

Anonymous said...

I fear loneliness, losing the ones I love, failure, global warming, spiders, and scientologists. I am also afraid of fear itself; blinding, crippling, all-encompassing, fear. Oh, yeah, sometimes feet really creep me out.

Holly said...

the reality of eternity. and roaches.

Phoebe said...

Not to prolong the Evil Eye discussion, but I am afraid of it. This question is especially apt today because I just got out of a meeting in which someone gave it to me, so I had to throw the horns back at them from underneath my sweater.

marky said...

cockroaches. actually all bugs. fuck all that shit.

grapenutsmakemepoop said...

bed mites - carpet mites - any creepy living creature that I can't see scares the shit out of me. this means anything in the ocean, including slimy seaweed. i'm also afraid that someone is always lurking in the bushes watching me. i hate lurkers.

Unknown said...

Ants - I am terrified of them!

philip said...

Portuguese Man o' Wars or (maybe they are Portuguese Men o' War)

they are bad


bodily fluids. and too much coffee.

Joe said...

My friends not really liking me anymore, turning into Brown, Tax Bogeyman.

Anonymous said...

After today, second graders.

Juan said...

The "Rudolph the Red–Nosed Reindeer" stop-motion Christmas television special. There is something about it that scares me inside, no joke.

Unknown said...

Peak oil, great depression 2, TurboNazi invasion

Dirty Dan Sin said...

to quote the plugz:
'that ones i love forget me'

Unknown said...

Chupacabra. Especially now since that lady in texas caught one and kept it in her fridge. Those things aint no myth.

Anonymous said...

cancer and the movie IT.

Anonymous said...

moths and bees. (but i don't want them killed either...)

Anonymous said...

pigeons, pigeon/bird shit

blackviolet said...

I'm always scared that someone will hurt my dogs. Some shitty asshole kid will shoot at them, or someone will poison them or something. It worries me a lot.

I'm scared to death of spiders and cockroaches.

There isn't much else, I don't think.