Question #135 Birthday Gifts
It celebration of Phil’s birthday and my birthday (today)…
What is the best gift you have ever received for your birthday? The best gift you have given to some one on their birthday?
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It celebration of Phil’s birthday and my birthday (today)…
What is the best gift you have ever received for your birthday? The best gift you have given to some one on their birthday?
asked by
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I got a pie in my face for my birthday some time ago from Victor and Joe. Then I was sprayed in the face with seltzer water. I have a picture of it around here somewhere. It was a chocolate pie with whipped cream. I laughed so much when it happened that I was crying.
The best gift I ever gave anyone was a bicycle cause not having a bicycle is like not being alive.
I gave my best friend an elaborate surprise party with people in old timey hats and dresses playing croquet and drinking wine...
I have received some fabulous birthday presents in my time, but being an October baby, any present that isn't black and orange or bearing a pumpkin, is pretty sweet.
Once when I went to the dentist, they took impressions of my teeth and made a plaster mold of my teeth, gums, and jaw. I gave the model to my best friend Zoey for her 21st birthday. She has it on her nightstand. My teeth are fairly distinctive so it really looks like the lower part of my skull.
It scares the F out of me, but she really likes it.
The best gift I ever gave anyone is a powdered wig, which I gave in honor of Jesus' birthday if that counts.
Or a singing chicken telegram.
or when I was 6 years old I gave my best friend Georgie Wara a baseball hall of fame book that I wrapped neatly then put a polaroid of the book on the front of the package, which kind of made the gift wrapping useless. I guess I wanted him to know I had a polaroid camera.
Tomo said...
As a recipient: A singing chicken telegram (while I was in a work meeting!)
When I asked who this mysterious gift was from, the chicken replied "Balllllllllsssss!!!!!"
As a recipient part2: My besties got together and got me Crystal. Not that I'm big on champagne but it was so nice that all my penniless college friends got money together to buy it for me.
As the gift giver: I bought the entire Depeche Mode Box Set(s) there's like 7 of them, and the 2 albums that would complete my boyfriend at the time's collection. I know...nerdy.
It was probably the trip to the Ukiah drunk tank I got on my 20th birthday or the ass-kicking I recieved from my friends on my 21st (made even sweeter by the fact that it was more damaging that the ass-beating I received later the same night from enemy hicks).
The best I ever gave was probably when I baked The Rocketeer into a cake for someone. Sorry, but only Ukiah-types will understand this.
Happy Birthdays, Thadd & Philip.
oops Cristal... :)
Happy B-Day, you guys!
Phil's answer reminded me that my favorite gift in the last five years was a cute old bicycle my then-roommate Christian got for my birthday. We named it "Phuc" after a character on reality TV show, "Beauty and the Geek."
I'm not a very good gift giver. Just handos. Just kidding.
got: atari 2600 back in the day
gave: i'm a dad, so it's a thirteen year blur of giving. ipods and chucks seem very appreciated.
Best bday gift ever was a replacement motor for my SV650 racebike which I had blown up the proceeding month.
Recently I gave someone a cordless power drill for their bday, and the joy they derived from it far outstripped what I thought possible. Made me more of a believer in gift-giving, I think.
last days photography competition
I can answer this in one shot. The best gift I ever gave was to myself. It was a ticket to see the Boss in NYC. I turned 25 in the front row of Madison Square Gardens. You see, The Boss is awesome. He has these dudes called the "men in black" who give away the front two rows to random nose bleed seats a few minutes before the show starts. It was touch and go for awhile, but thanks to a roadie I'd met earlier, my best girls and I made it down front and center. I've never been the same since.
I actaully have 2 good ones.
Recieved: A suprise private tour of the Amsterdam Museum of Art followed by a 2 hour architectural tour of the city via a private boat through the canals with the same fabulous woman who gave the private tour of the museum. Serisoulsy amazing. We were the only people there. Totally hot.
Given: It sounds pathetic because it's a fashion item but stick with me. It actually wasn't a B day gift, it was a no reason gift. My ex bf desperately wanted a very very very expenisve pair of boots. Those kind that are so much money it's actually a stupid. So I saved for a while and got them for him. I put them in his closet in an aged wood box that I made myself. It had a little light on the inside too. He came home and saw somthing odd in the closet. It was a pretty cool moment.
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