Question #127 Monday Question
What'd you do this weekend? *Bonus: How was it?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What'd you do this weekend? *Bonus: How was it?
asked by
Monday, September 17, 2007
I got my motorcycle license!!!! Yahooooo!
Ride or Die!
i was sick fri-sun, so i was in my own personal hell and missed a bunch of fun stuff. it sucked.
I beat Ryan, Joe, and a couple of strangers at pool. It was pretty sweet.
I drove to Austin for ACL, hit 6th street, had a few awkward moments at Pure, and went shopping. It was great.
I read a book on personal finance, hung out with my brother, had brunch with Ariel, put up a new shower curtain and ate an inordinate amount of bacon.
I was in Idaho (Priest Lake) for a wedding. It was very nice however when I flew home I got sick and puked because my stomach was raw from 3 days of drinking 30+ drinks a day. All in all a fun trip though.
I got stuck in the rain in Brooklyn. It was wet.
After brunch with Phoebe, I went to Whole Foods and spent an hour and a half in the salad dressing aisle; finally a worker asked me if I was okay and if I needed anything. I got nervous and left with no dressing because I couldn’t decide and he was watching me.
I went to the Santa Cruz County Fair - and got goosed by a 14yr old while standing in line for Kettle Corn... I take that as a psuedo-compliment since I'm more than 2x his age??
I saw the theatrical production We Will Rock You (w/ the music of Queen) in Toronto. We didn't have to pay and had the best seats in the house. It was pretty good, especially since I didn't pay for it.
The rest of the weekend was pretty much spent working. But that's cool.
i went to the Hell on Heels Burlesque show. Awesomely half naked women and a peep show. Sunday i ate brunch, drank mimosas, took a fat nap, went to an afternoon punk show, and topped the night off with rock of love. All and all a fabulous weekend!
Re: Beth's comment--What does "goosed" mean? Because that may or may not have happened to me at the San Gennaro Feast last week.
I worked for my wifes parents on thier rental house. we got the kitchen appliances installed. microwave/stove top/ and dishwasher. why do i even post this? good question. i also listened to part of 15... aslo called jeremy and troy and told them they need to listen to you fuckers. really funny... i could listen to comedy talk radio all day. but i actually laugh out loud at your shit. phil your funny... jake put more food in your mouth....(jk)
I went to see Sinead O'Connor with some Irish dudes. She dedicated a song to Britney Spears. I ate oysters and ran into Ryan, who had a hangover. Go figure.
Lunch at Cafe 101 in Hollywood with my friend Ryan P. who just got back from a month-long trip all over Europe; at night, went to a going-away party in the Venice Beach area (my friend Rubi C. is moving to the UK for a couple of years).
Chores all day; while combing through TV stations in the afternoon, saw my former roommate Valerie C. get shot by Bill Macy on TV (she deserved it in that movie); saw The Donnas perform in Long Beach (saw Matt W. and Greg U. there too); ate some vegan bratwursts at midnight and hit the sack.
Slept in; ate cereal (organic, with vanilla soy milk and blueberries); shaved my head (not all the way, just the size "1" guard as I do weekly); had an afternoon soy hot chocolate . . . first time in a long time (now that Los Angeles is cooling down); happiest moments of my weekend: went to Carson, CA to see my friends and their little ankle biters (Diego A. age 2, Sophia A. age 10 months) . . . we hung out in their tent, drew stuff with crayons (mostly drew people with really bad hair . . . thanks to Diego), played with toy cars and baked vegan cookies. You know that voice-activated talking Elmo doll that rolls around and stands up on its own? And there is a voice-activated "Happy Feet" penguin that dances. Well, I got the two voice-activated dolls to voice-activate each other back-and-forth. It went on for 10 minutes as the kids rolled around laughing. Maybe I should make voice-activated Jake and Phil dolls so that they can criticize each other for hours :)
Juan R.
made a leek tart; had dinner with my boyfriend, his kids and our friend and his daughter; was verbally abused by my psychotic/hysterical neighbor; drove Genevieve to the airport; test drove a used car and went to Urban Ore in Berkeley.
On Friday I smoked **** and drank absinthe because I am Smith.
On Saturday I drank beers and then ate and then drank beers.
On Sunday I drank beers and put a bike together and then ate and then ate again and then drank canned champagne and then drank beers.
It was cool. Like a video.
Went to bars and downtown santa cruz and a couple of parties...
it was okay, just another weekend...
oh i got my hair cut too....
on saturday i did boring domestic house stuff. my husband and i bought a new mattress and shopped for linens for the new bed. we got a cal king bed, holy crap. my whole family can sleep on the bed with us.
on sunday all i did was watch football.
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