Questions #126 Extinction
If you were forced to choose an animal for extinction, which one would it be?
*Bonus: which one would you bring back from extinction?
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If you were forced to choose an animal for extinction, which one would it be?
*Bonus: which one would you bring back from extinction?
asked by
Friday, September 14, 2007
The mosquito would have to go.
And I'd bring the unicorn back from extinction.
You beat me to the mosquito.
I'd have to say ants. I understand their importance to nature...but those little bastards scare the shit outta me.
Dinosaurs would be the shit on this planet again.
The Do-Do Bird should come back.
All snakes should die.
I agree with Phoebe, bring back the dodo birds.
Throw out cockroaches, who would possibly disagree with me on that?
You guys, all creatures on this earth are created from the vision of GOD. All except for centipedes, they are the Devil reincarnated.
Dino's should come back, but they would take up so much space don't you think?
I guess I'd eliminate those weird deep sea fish with the flashlight-antennae sticking out of their heads. Not because they're bad, but because they practically don't exist anyway. So what's the harm?
And I'd give anything to bring back Steller's Sea Cow. And then I'd hug it and never let it go.
I agree with Tomo on centipedes. Those are the scariest things ever. If I could get rid of two the second thing would be those medium sized aggressive squids.,0,5972859.story?coll=la-home-headlines
I would bring back woolly mammoths. Imagine how awesome woolly mammoth hugs would be!
I would kill of potato bugs. They are sick and I don't see what purpose they serve unless you are fighting them versus a black widow. I would bring back the Tasmanian Tiger. They are neat. If I couldn't bring them back, I would try Bigfoot.
roaches. they have no business taking over our planet after nuclear holocaust. plus they are gross... so gross, i really need to buy a gecko just to feel safe from them.
second part: maybe another insect to balance things out, like the Xerces Blue butterfly. it's pretty.
pigeons... clearly! and with them, all pigeon lovers!! they should all be shot, their gold teeth pulled,... wait, we had that already...
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