Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Question #124 Possessions

What is your favorite thing you own?


ariel said...

I have this sweatshirt thingy that is a weird combonation of jacket and blanket. I can honestly say I have worn it everyday, in some form, since the day I bought it last summer. I haven't even been able to part with it long enough to wash it.

It has a big hood and sleeves and goes down to the backs of my knees. Its functions as a blanket, bathrobe, jammies, sweater, overcoat, and pillow. Its also great for hiding under in crowded places when I am terrified people might see me.

Anonymous said...

A Tommy Gun.

Jake said...

It's a tie between my bed and my desk.

It used to be a tie between my complete collection of Squadron Supreme Limited Series volume one and my Cropduster cd, but the former got water-damaged in storage and the latter got negated by the coming of the digital music format.

Unknown said...

It would be my racebike, but since I dont have one it's probably my dirtbike. Whatever motorcycle I currently possess, really.

philip said...

My favorite thing is my super foam mattress.

Phoebe said...

If I were too embarrassed to say my laptop (I just use it for everything!), I might say my vintage '91 limited edition Air Jordans, my entire collection of 7"s from obscure and now defunct punk labels or my French Bulldog. I don't own any of those things, though. laptop...Eeek.

tomotron said...
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tomotron said...

My favorite thing I own is my sea otter doll. His name is Rocco (which is sea otter in Japanese)....and now you know.

Anonymous said...


Dirty Dan Sin said...

don't care much for any of it. probably my bass guitar. sad.

Unknown said...

Probably the locket I always wear. It has the initials of my sisters and I. We all have them. I fucking love it, alot.

Also, my red Dudley Perkins hoodie. I will love and adore it until I lose it. Then I will miss it.

Joe said...

Probably Argentina or maybe Kana.

Also, Jake, in all the times I have been to your house I have never noticed the tie between your desk and your bed. I guess I am not very observant

Unknown said...

My guitar, for sure. And my cat, though she's more of a companion than a possesion.

Anonymous said...

The complete, unabridged 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary. Holy crap. It's awesome.

feverishpoptart said...

My cat. She's old as dirt.

ching said...

prada heels. my collection of about 15 jackets and coats.