Question #123 - Documentaries
What's the last feature-length documentary you watched in the theater? What did you think of it?
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What's the last feature-length documentary you watched in the theater? What did you think of it?
asked by
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sicko and I thought it was great. But I'm not so sure I like documentaries any more.
I watched Sicko also. It was entertaining but it was all over the place. It was frustrating cause I am all for fully socialized medicine but I don't see how he does anything but preach to the choir and can't imagine that film changed anybody's mind about the issue at all.
I also don't like how he uses 50's stock footage ironically.
I think the last one I saw in the theater was Loud/Quiet/Loud, a documentary about the Pixies reunion. I am such a huge nerd for them so I loved it.
Chunky Chicks #13.
in the theater the last full lenth documentary was Gremlins.....thats real right?
i know who killed me.
my friend just told me he banged out lindsay lohan days before she hijacked that car, and i forgot to ask him if it was just like her sex scene in the movie. i'm sure it was. i'll keep you updated.
ps he said bangin her out "didn't suck" and that she "didn't smell." thumbs up for ll
I have seen others since but the one I loved and really stuck was "God grew Tired of Us-The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan". It was incredibly moving and beautifully done. Everyone go watch it NOW.
so, i have decided to 'participate' because the last documentary i saw actually made me think of you specifically. it was 'the bridge'. doesn't get much more sf-ccentric than that. it was jarring. not disturbing, exactly...but jarring. there you have it.
I really had to think about this one. I don't see that many documentaries. I feel like I should see more. I think the last one was When We Were Kings, about the George Foreman/Muhammad Ali fight in Africa in the 70's. I watched it with Jake actually. It was awesome. The best part was George Plimpton in his seersucker suit. He is so white.
It was on HBO, called White Light/Black Rain. Eye-witness accounts from the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,Japan. Survivor tales and graphic images of the devastation. Great documentary but a horrible tragedy.
i can't remember if Shattered Glass or Fahrenheit 9/11 was last. i think Fahrenheit.
it was gory in parts.
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