Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Question #108 Your Country & State

Speaking of duty, do you think you owe anything to your country and/or state?

Bonus: Between country and state, to which are you most bound?


Sarah said...

I am bound to my places on a microlevel...Yes, I am a Californian, indebted to my parents for having the good sense to go to San Francisco in the 60's in search of freedom or sex or Janis Joplin, whatever.

When I'm living outside this country I tend to claim being a Californian, a Northern Californian, if they really want to know, and a Ukiahian if they give me the time to really explain. It's my duty to distinguish myself from the jackass in Kentucky or Clearlake for that matter, who thinks Venezuela is in Africa. No shit, I met that dude.

philip said...

To the state and federal government I owe my taxes and my obedience to our laws. I think I owe it to those around me to be useful. I don't think I have to defend the country verbally when it comes up though.

I think you should have given more options besides state and country.

Jake said...
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pete g said...

This is a complex question with a lot of implications and I could answer it any number of ways. Instead, I will give a simple answer. My duties to Humanity generally trump any other duties.

Anonymous said...

Although I’m not very fond of Texas (especially the stereotypes), other than some sense of preservation of the history of my state, and also humanity in general, I don’t feel I have any real duties. (OK, I’ll throw paying taxes in.)

To my country, the same regard. Preservation is necessary in every aspect from humanitarian duties to historical to environmental ones.

Bonus (what’s the prize?): keeping it uncomplicated, the country as a whole.

Phoebe said...

Like Phil said, aside from paying taxes and obeying most laws, no.

I don't feel duteous to one over the other, maybe an affection for state over country--but that's another conversation.

Anonymous said...

Don't mess with Texas. God bless the USA and Toby Keith.

philip said...

I owe more to the federal government cause they do more for me than CA does. I was educated in a public school in a different state, never got state benefits and never have held a state job in CA.