Question #107 Duty
It's Phoebe (nee La Vitellona) from the super-long-winded Conversation Seven and the second part of seven. Phil asked me to take over Monday's question, so here goes:
Older people say younger people lack all sense of duty, so I'd like to know what do you feel most dutiful about?
Bonus: Which duties do you find the most unpleasant to perform and which do you enjoy? This could be anything, from doing dishes to casual spooning.
I am dutiful when it comes to recycling and paying taxes. I shirk my duties when it comes to pretending to listen to people.
I feel duty-bound to vote, reduce, reuse, recycle, not litter, drive considerately, consume concientiously, etc. If duty were defined solely by the things I just listed, the old timers might be on to something when it comes to Texans. OTH, old timers are always blowing that hot air.
I'm on board with recycling, though it can be difficult when your roommates aren't.
My other duties include: alphabetizing things, making sure things are symmetrical and not listening to an album's songs out of order.
Reluctant duties: mopping, flossing, going to work in unseasonably nice or shitty weather, listening to unfortunate stories (this is selfish 'cause I also tell them), shopping.
Those I enjoy: doing dishes at a friend's after they have fed me, annual shooting range trip, accompanying friends to places where they anticipate feeling uncomfortable.
I think its fair to say that I have no sense of duty. The old people are right, duty is not a concept I can relate to. I think that I pretty much only do things because it will me happy or because I will feel guilty if I don't do them. But guilt and duty are not at all the same; duty is noble, guilt is...well not noble.
Luckily, in general, being nice and respectful and doing favors for people makes me happy. So I'm usually happy to help out my friends and the world at large, and if I'm not you can make me feel guilty until I do whatever you want.
shaving, i hate shaving
Dang, shaving is the best answer yet. I really hate it.
The unbearable: going to work unnecessarily early, filling out a W-4, jogging despite early-morning humidity.
The opposite: (while casual spooning is nice,) grocery shopping, evenings with the grandparents, art history projects.
There's also helping friends move. I don't enjoy it while it's happening, but afterwards it usually pays off.
Duty is a funny thing. Even when I do something because it feels like the right thing to do, there's always that extra notion of counting on it to be repaid if I ever need it. Totally karmic, dude.
The most displeasing dutie would have to be changing my pon. Thankfully it's only a few days out of the month.. Dutie that I praise: Giving my significant other a BJ for the first time and hearing him say "HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDE WOW". Yea...
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