Question #104 Crying
What was the last movie that made you cry?
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What was the last movie that made you cry?
asked by
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
For me, answering this question is almost always like answering the question "what's the last movie you saw?"
I saw This Is England the other night. I got pretty close to crying in that one.
"Once" - beautiful movie. Saw it in New York a couple of weeks ago.
Those Pixar fellas are genius at siphoning salty water out of my ducts.
Or I put it down to hormonal poisoning.
"300"- I know its a big tough action movie with the spartans killing everyone, but when he leaves his got to me
It's not a movie but a recent episode of Dog the bounty hunter got me. They always try to turn those ice heads around and let em have a cig. praise.
The Last Samurai: Katsumoto finishing his poem as he's dying. Tissue, please.
V for Vendetta and the Parent Trap (the lindsey lohan one. seriously.)
Pan's Labyrinth. Beautiful and brutal.
i don't ever cry in movies, crying is for sissy babies. however, if i were to cry in a movie, and this would be completely hypothetical of course, it would be Live Free or Die Hard for ruining the image of the good and brave john mcclane. but again, that is completely hypothetical.
i cried last night watching the finale of Hell's Kitchen. i cry over hallmark or clearblue easy commercials. other than movies, tv or commercials, i never cry.
La Vida de Otros, or The Lives of Others. It was the first time I ever cried reading Spanish subtitles. That's saying a lot considering that my adjectives are limited and the subjunctive still throws me off. I even cried while pausing to re-read. It's pretty much the best movie of the year.
Rudy. Sobbing practically.
This is kind of a random answer. "Sharkman" is a documentary that was on Discovery as part of the semi-wretched "Shark Week" programing.
It's about a shark researcher that has discovered a reflex mechanism (most likely for mating) in sharks that by touching them a certain way, it will put them in a tonic state. His goal was to put a Great White into a tonic state; and he did. It was amazing.
Anyway, like any responsible documentary about sharks these days, it spent a few minutes discussing how shark populations the world over are collapsing because of by catching by commercial fishing and because of shark finning.
The Chinese love them some shark fin soup; as a result an estimated 75 Million sharks are killed each year!! Sharks are very slow to produce, this means their populations are rapidly collapsing.
To illustrate shark finning, they used an underwater camera to show a shark that had been definned, but was still alive, sinking to the bottom of the Ocean. Without fins, it can't swim and surely died. The shark tried desperately to turn itself over, and when it hit the bottom, it thrashed about. It was really upsetting to watch.
I was completely rattled. I thought about that scene for days, had dreams about it, and even now the thought of it stir some deep emotion in me. So wasteful and gluttonous.
If you are upset by my what I have described, please learn as much as you can about shark finning, the critical state of the oceans, and certainly never eat shark fin soup or patronize a business that serves such a thing.
March of the Penguins. I cried the whole way through. If I had been on that film crew they would have had to rename it "Penguins Taking Turns Sitting in a Nice Warm Trailer With Plenty of Fish to Eat". I can't stand watching animals suffer, even when it's the natural state of things.
Chunky Chicks 14.
I don't remember the last movie that made me cry. I did recently cry during an episode of This American Life (I know how ghey that sounds, sorry). They were talking to these scientists who accidentally invented a drug that could erase part of your memory. Once people heard about the unintended breakthrough the scientists were bombarded with letters from unhappy people wishing to be included in any of the drugs' trials, if there were to be any. Each letter writer sincerely pleaded their case on why they deserve to have certain memories gone forever so they can move on with their life.
Oh My G I would ask for the memory of that episode to be erased from MY brain forever so it wouldn't bum me out so hard right now!
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