Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Question #103 G.I. Joe

Choose one G.I. Joe character. What current celebrity would be best to play that character in a live-action movie?


ohreally said...

BBQ the wise cracking firefighter would be best played by washed up CSI miami star David Caruso.

philip said...

After watching the Transformers movie I am not really that excited about the prospect of more movies based on toys I loved as a kid, they usually just make me realize that kids are dumb. That said I hope they Gary Oldman to play Zartan.

pete g said...

This a freestyle, off the top of my head list. I need to give this more thought. I was so excited by this question, I just had to barf up something:

Scarlett--Julianna Moore
Dusty--Paul Walker
Lady Jaye--Hilary Swank
Snake Eyes--Christian Bale
Snow Job--Ben Affleck
Spirit--Adam Beach
Wild Bill--Bill Paxton

Jake said...
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Jake said...

The two that I feel really strongly about are:

Destro - Sean Connery


Baroness - Famke Jannsen (think of her in GoldenEye); she'd also be good as Scarlett (think of her as Jean Grey); lastly, she'd be good as someone who gives me a boner.