Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Question #69 Candidates

Which 2008 Presidential candidates could you beat in a fight?


Anonymous said...

realistically, i probably only have a chance against kucinich. i'm not that strong. there are several i would like to try to beat up, though.

Phoebe said...

They're not candidates yet- just presidential "hopefuls," so in the meantime, I will hopefully tear the extra thigh and butt fat from Hillary Clinton and fashion it into two large pillows with which I will smother her stupid pandering and recreant face until she can't breathe, thereby winning the fight.

To celebrate, I will sit on Obama's lap and smoke a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

oh god, can i change my answer to la vitellona's??

Phoebe said...

You can!

Unknown said...

I could probably take Obama, but only because I don't think he'd hit a girl. Hillary would be tough. I'd have to throw dirt in her eyes or something first. McCain's got a bad knee, so no problem. Guiliani if I caught him from behind and without any of his goons. But that Mitt Romney dude scares the crap out of me. I think he's some kind of evil mormon wizard. I'd stay well clear of that guy.