Question #42 Wild Animals
Which, if any, wild animals could you defeat in a fight? You would be unarmed except for crude stone tools.
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Which, if any, wild animals could you defeat in a fight? You would be unarmed except for crude stone tools.
asked by
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I have always contended that I could defeat a mountain lion. It wouldn't be a pleasant experience, and I might end up needing 200 stitches or something like this, but I would live, and there's a reasonable chance that the ml would not.
-Donovan B., Brooklyn, NY
Also, I could take a llama. Fuck llamas. Don't spit on me as a form of self-defense you piece of shit animal. I will snap you em effing neck.
-DB, B, NY (again)
i could totally take on a jackrabbit and maybe an incapacitated doe.
A sloth, cause I think they are pretty slow, they do have those claws but I am pretty confident regardless. And a thumb monkey I could squeeze one a those with one bare hand, I wouldn't want to though they are really cute.
I could killany animal that weighs less than half of my weight, about 85 lbs. It wouldn't be pretty though. It would be bloody.
i could probably take a woodpecker.
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