Question #41 Insomnia
I often find I can't sleep. This has been a problem for years. What steps can one take to ensure a good night's sleep?
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I often find I can't sleep. This has been a problem for years. What steps can one take to ensure a good night's sleep?
asked by
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
masturbate while drinking chamomile tea and counting sheep and listening to classical music.
what amy said.
lift weights before bed
a litre or so of gin (without tonic, but with the lime) would probably do it.
the morning, well, that might not be pretty, but i guarantee you *will* fall asleep.
I am still suffering from the jet lag after our trip to Australia. It really sucks. What has helped so far:
*Lots of sunshine during the day
*Eye mask + ear plugs
*Eating light and not eating too late in the evening
Been too tired to try this but, I bet vigorous exercise not too late in the day would help to.
exercise during day...deep breathing at bedtime.
get rid of that hard-ass mattress!!!
You should get chronic migraines because then you can take nortriptyline every night. Not only does this lower the frequency of your migraines but also it makes you pass the hell out.
smoking weed (i heard), beating off, thinking of dream house and how you are BBQing in your bath-rope on sundays, at your pool, while your wife/girl laying on a chair close by, sippin' a drink in hot a Wicked Weasel bikini...
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