Monday, December 17, 2007

Question #190 Your Vice

A vice can be anything from an relatively harmless "bad habit" (like fingernail biting or drinking too much coffee), to a "an evil, degrading, moral practice" (like picking on cripples or snorting coke off a newborn baby's bottom).

What's your worst/favorite vice? What harm is it causing you, if any?

*Bonus: Have you successfully kicked any bad habits?


Tiffany! said...

My vice now is definitely food. I drink moderately and have a cup of coffee every day, but I'm not hooked on either. Food, however, is a problem because I will be overly-full and anyone will suggest getting a meal, or offer some waffles, and I will eat...
it all.
Then, I will languish with my aching, swollen stomach,whining to everyone about 'why did I eat all of that?!' as if it is there responsibility to ask if I'm hungry before inviting me to dine. I really am hardly ever hungry. Food is just soooo good.

As for the bonus: I successfully quit smoking about ten years ago to win money off a friend. Now I'm generally mean and judgemental to smokers. It's part of my charm.

Jake said...

Coffee. I really can't start my day without an unhealthy dose of it, which starts my daily rollercoaster high-on-caffeine/total-bitch-because-I'm-in-need -of-caffeine cycle.

I was the worst kind of smoker (1+ packs a day) until roughly five months ago. Then I quit. There have also been stretches of time where the ill effects of alcohol consumption have overshadowed those of caffeine.

tomotron said...

Speaking of babies.

I guess it would have to be dressing up my friend's baby like dictators of the world. So far we have made her into baby Hilter and baby Kim Jong-il. It's too cute but kind of mean.

I also call don't use the babie's real name I just call her "Bitch". We both think it's hilarious, but I'm afraid she is starting to get used to it.

I also can't stop eating bowls of noodles. If I have a HUGE bowl in front of me. I can't stop until its empty...gluttony.

Phoebe said...

Tomes, I thought of the baby example because of another joke you made about the same baby, which I'm reluctant to post here--but I thought it was the funniest.

I quit smoking again this weekend, and now I am drinking tea all day like I'm the friggin' queen of England. It's a good trade off, even though tea stains your teeth more than cigs.

Anonymous said...


Coffee i love and have every morning...its probably destroying my teeth, but life just doesn't feel right without it...last week was my last finals week ever and i probably drank 6+ cups of coffee a day...which is pretty crazy...

After the coffee there is the alcohol...which i think i usually handle in terms of nights spent drinking a week and not letting it affect school/work performance...but its like, sometimes you just do something embarassing, wake up next to regrets, or talk waay too much shit...

rachel said...

my vice is rationality. i rationalize everything to justify whatever it is that i want, be it food, alcohol, a dude, my workaholic-ness, expensive things, or guilty pleasures. it's what i'm best at and always gets the best of me in the end.

Anonymous said...

Dip. Any brandy. Especially pear brandy. I don't count beer as a vice, because it has important nutritional characteristics.

Joe said...

I have a good selection of vices: Drinking, drawing wangs on stranger's cars/whiteboards, insulting my favorite friends for a cheap laugh, &c. pp.

The one I want to get rid of the most however is allowing myself to indulge in wretchedness and self-pity.

Anonymous said...

Coffee, Chocolate, Red Wine and crime shows on netflix (The Wire, Sopranos, and Law & Order).

Anonymous said...

bangbros. R.I.P.

philip said...

pornography, french fries, guinness.

tomotron said...

*misspelled word
"baby's" not "babie's"-oops

viktor said...

i'm not sure if my life is just a string of addictions and vices playing themselves out or if i'm actually making any decisions. tis the season for looking haggard due to excess. holiday parties are starting to take their toll on me.

beth said...

lifetime movies *wince*

feverishpoptart said...

Smoking. I quit smoking regularly years ago but I have no self control when I am drinking. I can go through a pack in one weekend if I am out boozing the whole time. I love it so much, and I hate that I do. I only and up drinking maybe one or two nights a month these days, so I still say one or two nights of smoking is still better than a pack a day. Yes, I know I'm weak.