Thursday, November 1, 2007

Question #160 Pleasure

What is your pleasure?


marky said...

FIRST! firsts.

Anonymous said...

All things in excess, and chunky girls.

Anonymous said...

a huge cup of milk, straight from the teet!

iamdavehulse said...

Peets Coffee

Classic Rock

San Francisco

Seeing people trip (it's always funny)

My job

My friends


Good beer

Road trips

The beach

Riding my bike

Blunt honesty


Phoebe said...

Okay, I dodged yesterday's question by proudly stating how little I am offended by. I forgot to mention one item in that small handful of things which do offend me: un-clever stupidity.

Can we please raise the bar here? I ask that of the askers and the chunky-chick loving, teet sucking, bang bussing answerers.

Unapologetically School Marmey,

viktor said...

sleeping in on my memory foam topper (i know it's not a whole memory foam bed and i still don't know what sleep is) is probably making me the most pleasured recently. it makes me have nice dreams which, last night, included seeing the airbus. it was big in my dreams.

Jake said...

You know... if I were to write my top 10 or 15 pleasures, I have to admit that "tits" might be on there (or at least the general concept, if not the word itself). Sorry, I'm male.

"Comedy" would also be there. Or, more specifically, "good comedy."

philip said...

Making things better, being useful

Unknown said...

finishing with a little dirt under my nails and maybe a scratch or two.

feverishpoptart said...

Traveling. I just started traveling over the last two years, and I love it so much. I never thought I would have the opportunity to travel, so I get all teary whenever my plane lands anywhere.

Eating! I love to eat. I'm pretty sure I'm the fattest vegan ever.

Movies. I don't go as often as I'd like. It was always treated as a special outing growing up and we didn't go too often, so I still get excited when I go. A used dvd bin sale is like heaven for me. I have a ton a dvd's and watch all of them over and over.

Sleeping late on Sundays. I love it. I can sleep until 3 or 4pm easy. I don't even have to be hungover.

Anonymous said...

watching the sunrise from my easels.

curing a hangover by standing in the breeze on my roof.

food, food, food.

making cakes for people that I love.

learning everything I can on especially obscure subjects.

helping people get organized... just helping friends in general.

a perfectly poured pint of Guinness.

listening to live music.

old timey libraries.

my amazing friends.

tomotron said...

getting my head massaged, it makes me sleeeeepy.

Anonymous said...

Nothings better than a good laugh. Making other people laugh too is good.

I love good food.

Really good sex is awesome also.

Hanging out with good buds you can't beat either.


I think there is to many pleasures in my life to list.

Anonymous said...

Playing with my tits.

Just kidding.

I like bubble-baths.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

love of friends and family - good meal - sweaty sex - rockin' tunes - beer