Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Question #159 Your Dirty Mind

How dirty is your mind?


philip said...

My mind is dirtier than Al Gore's mind but less dirty than Trick Daddy's mind.

TLR said...

My mind is on par with Too $hort.

Anonymous said...

My mind is scarily clean. I never understand dirty jokes, and am constantly learning sex-slang from my friends.... usually to my absolute horror.
I only just learned what NSFW means...
I'm Prudy McPrude of Prudesville, apparently.

Anonymous said...


Phoebe said...

I'm scared of this question. I'm not grossed out or offended by much in this world. I'll say that.

Anonymous said...


Joe said...

My mind is a post-apocalyptic wasteland with nothing but Mel Gibson and Tina Turner as far as the eye can see.

Jake said...

At least as dirty as my room.

feverishpoptart said...

My family is a fan of the "dirty joke" and never cleaned up their language around us kids. My dad used to let me stay up late and watch Benny Hill with him. I didn't understand most of it at the time, and looking back at those episodes cannot understand why he would let me watch it. In Spanish culture sexuality isn't something shameful I suppose. Popular prime-time Spanish shows often feature half naked women and off-color jokes. I was also a tomboy growing up and spent my teenage years around boys my age. Basically, I was exposed to all sorts of disgusting stuff and language. That said, my mind is filthier than I let on.

Anonymous said...

Dirtier than some, cleaner than others.

Anonymous said...

Never catch me ridin' dirty

...unless you are talking about bangbus - AHHHH!

tomotron said...

My mind is pretty dirty. I woke up this morning and told someone my dream and he seemed disturbed.

My Dream: I was hanging with my pot dealer, and he had to take off to go have sex with his boar.

I said "You have sex with your pet boar?"

And he replied, "Yeah I mean, I don't get laid a lot so I I bought a boar to have sex with.."

I then asked "Does she enjoy it?"

And he goes, "I duno sometimes I guess."

viktor said...

my mind looks like pig-pen from peanuts. there is a dust cloud that is constantly circling my head.

Anonymous said...

on a scale of 1-10, i'd say perhaps a 6.5.

Anonymous said...

Everything is always "That's what she said" to me.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

dirty is my middle na...wait, it's my first name. you decide