Monday, October 22, 2007

Question #152 Solar System

What's your favorite planet and why?


Jake said...

I'll take this opportunity to be the first person to say "Earth."

If California was on Mars, I might choose differently.

Phoebe said...

Mine used to be Saturn just because of the rings, but it turns out Jupiter is way cooler. And it also has rings of it's own, though not as immense.

Jupiter is also my ruling planet, astrologically speaking. I like its giant red spot, which three times the size of Earth. Do you know how big that makes Jupiter? Very big.

ariel said...

Well, I’m obviously quite partial to Earth; but of the non-habitable planets I would say Saturn. I like that you can see the rings in a normal telescope.

Anonymous said...

I mean, earth of course...

but as far as not earth planets go...venus is pretty awesome. Very pretty planet to look at from earth.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a shirt that said that Earth Day is EveryDay, so I'm going to have to go with sexy mama Earth. But, Pluto is my favorite Dwarf Planet if anyone cares to know.

polish sausage queen said...

mine: Jupiter
I like the great red spot (like a big zit on it's face) and pretty tripy gas formations

philip said...
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Unknown said...

Uranus. Ha ha. GET IT?

philip said...

Of course earth but Saturn looked the best when it got photographed by Voyager.

feverishpoptart said...

Mars! Sci-fi movies just wouldn't be the same without it.


Joe said...

My favorite planet is the interior world of our hollow earth. In particular the "Cave City of Semi-Advanced Race" although I realize this question was about planets not cities so I won't get off topic.

I get beamed transmissions from a beacon in Mount Shasta that has a light-magnet that televises my everyday life back to the Aghartans. They are curious how we "Toppers" live but I suspect them of thinking of us more like we think of meercats.

It is all very interesting and you can read about it here:



Anonymous said...

saturn, definitely, because the rings make it amazing.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

earth - because i love coffee!

Phoebe said...

I should have stipulated that you can't pick Earth because we already know how awesome it is.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

the sun, because it's, like, the king of planets.

tomotron said...

Saturn because it encompasses the aesthetic of SPACE, very colorful and alient-like.
Also because it looks like a pogo ball. In fact, I think Saturn was created around the design of the pogo ball, no?