Questions #251 Travel
Where have you never gone that you would like to go to?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
Where have you never gone that you would like to go to?
asked by
Monday, March 17, 2008
I would like to go to Milwaukee.
Tie: Panama Canal & Antarctica
I don't think I can choose just one. I'd really love to go to Argentina & Iceland. I hear Chico is a nice place too.
Iceland, even though I heard it's kind of boring. I pine for outdoorsy boredom.
Easter Island
I still haven't been to Mexico, which is strange statistically. However, it is not high up on my list...
Next year I'm going to do an African safari, I believe. And my next new place after that will be Asia somewhere.
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